Authors Note: This story came directly from my other one shot book, with a few miner changes! (This has been edited) Enjoy!
No one's P.O.V:
Epic had just arrived at Cross's house and knocked on the door, Cross answered and let Epic in. Cross then ran into the kitchen and came out with a bowl of popcorn and a plate of chocolate and cookies!
They played a few games and watched some anime; Cross decided to let Epic choose the last movie as he went and got some more popcorn.Cross's P.O.V:
I let Epic choose the next movie as I went and grabbed some more popcorn. Epic was sitting next to me, we were both kinda scared even though we barley started the movie. The first death came and we latched onto each other, "*Chuckles* You scared?" I heard him ask in a teasingly, "So- so, are you." I stuttered out, slightly blushing.
I heard Epic chuckle as he sat a little closer to me and I snuggled closer to him, clutching onto each other whenever their was a jump scare, or a death.
By the end of the movie I somehow ended up sitting on Epic's lap clutching onto each other as if our lives depended on it. With my head buried into his shirt. I was to exhausted to move, and Epic was already asleep, so I and buried my head into his shoulder and fell asleep.[The Next morning]
Epic's P.O.V:
I woke up snuggling something soft, I opened my eyes to see that I was cuddling Cross who was currently reading a book in my lap. I recalled last nights events to realize that I had fallen asleep on him, I was pretty sure I looked like a grape at the moment.
I heard Cross say, "Oh, morning Epic, didn't realize that you were awake! I hope you slept comfortably." giving his usual smile, "I slept just-just fine, thanks though" I stuttered, letting go of his waist. He moved off my lap and went to the kitchen, probably to get breakfast, leaving me to my thoughts, I kinda wanted to cuddle with Cross again.
Cross came back with some cookies, as well as a bar of chocolate that was in his mouth. He sat down right next to me, passing me some cookies which I gladly ate. After I finished eating my cookies, I rested my head on top of Cross's, he didn't make any signs that he was uncomfortable so I pulled him closer. Cross just smiled, cuddled closer to me, as we cuddled for the rest of the morning.Authors Note: Hello Wolfies! Hope you guys enjoyed this one shot. Have a great morning, day, or night! (458 word count)

Cross x Epic One shots! (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction[Warning ⚠️ Mature content] I am not happy with the amount of Cross x Epic on Wattpad! So here is my book! THIS BOOK IS NO LONGER OPEN