Sweet Lies

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Don't wanna fight but, I have to run away from you and my life now
for all the times that I wanted stay, but you have chose to push me away
now I don't wanna be yours anymore, I wanna fly without tears now
saying I love you was useless, I wanna escape from everything
I changed everything
I've lost my stars
and now I dunno me
hi, tell me who you are
yes I wanna know
I have lost my route, I don't find my heart
sobbing my breath, rolling in pain, I don't know how to live
so tell me, tell me why I am still here
even my mind can't forget your taste
please don't hurt me I wanna live
why you sad? I don't know, I can't breath
every night, I fight for answers
maybe I have to stop, stop hoping for your hug (oh no)
if I die, I will see the sunrise
I don't wanna see you, don't wanna love you, but my heart responds to you
I have to appear strong, I can't shed tears in front of you
I stayed alone, nobody was with me
I did mistakes but, it's all fake love

step 2

that's facts my dear, and you know that I don't care
I'm proud of it, now eyes on me, no more irony
keep up or you will suffocate
point your fingers, there's a headmoney on me, I couldn't care less
oh god you're so freaky, I'm cleaner than your hate
no, guns down, I'll be done in 3 minutes
we all know that I'm better than ya
and it's awesome
I will never have bounds
I can do this all my life
face off with reality, ay
I'm the superhero god damn
wow, 24/7 practicing, and I still here, beating you
listen my man, I've got more taste than your girl
c'mon I see you standing there
you know that I keep carry on
wanna try to escape from my maze?
good luck my man
I'm so fine wherever I go
you can't touch me I'm too powerful
it's okay, every second I'm more happy


[Lyrics by berto
(Additional Production - Cvistina)]

Rainbow VisionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora