♡ her ♥

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lmao guess who decided to finally update

I sighed looking up at the clock. Only 15 more minutes. Time seemed to slow down, making me super fucking annoyed.

Seconds seemed to turn into minutes and minutes into hours. This stupid class was taking way too long to finish. Though, eventually, the bell rang and I bolted out of that stupid classroom.

On the way to my house, a kaleidoscope of butterflies appeared within my stomach while I was thinking about her.

I thought about how much I wanted to wrap my arms around her tightly, cuddling, or how much I wanted feel her plump lips against mine. "Maybe I'll go to her house. I mean— my mother allows me to go to friends' houses on weekdays as long as I come home before dinner. So yeah. I will." I mentally decided.

I kept thinking about her as I made my way there, but I snapped out of my daydream as I was coming up to her house. I knocked on the door, that immediately creeked opened.

"Oh my god, River, I haven't seen you in a while!" Her mom enthusiastically greeted me. She gave me a hug and welcomed me inside, already asking me if I wanted anything to eat. I said no, explaining that I was still full from lunch, but the actual truth was that I just didn't want to bother her, even though I was comfortable with her and considered her family, and vise versa.

"Okay, well have fun with Alexa," She said. I smiled and responded, "Of course."

As I made my way up steps, I noticed slow, romantic music coming from Alexa's room. I pushed open the door which was already opened a tad.

"Alexie~" I whispered, getting her to notice me. Her head snapped over to her door, a huge smile already making its way upon her face.

"Kitty, how was your day?" I absolutely melted at her words. God how I loved that nickname. The fact that she said it in the cutest voice ever didn't help either.

"Absolutely amazing, now that I'm with you." I shyly mumbled, my cheeks pink. She giggled in response, which made my heart beat faster.

She laid down on her bed, getting comfortable under the blankets. I stared at her, taking in how beautiful she looked today. "Well? aren't you gonna get in?" She questioned, holding the blankets up for me to get under them.

"Ah— yes," I blushed, taking off my shoes and jacket and getting in her bed. I could tell my face was red as I got in. We had been together for almost five months but I still got flustered and shy at the littlest of things. She thought it was cute.

She immediately wrapped her arms around me, holding me close while the music was still playing. I snuggled my face into her chest, smelling the cherry perfume that she always wore. She chuckled and whispered in my ear, "You're so cute." which made my heartbeat become quick and the blush on my cheeks become even darker.

"No you!" I giggled. I could hear her smile when she said, "Exactly my point, kitty."

Every word that came out of her mouth made a volcano erupt in my stomach, making it feel all fuzzy inside.

We stayed like that in comfortable silence for away, enjoying each other's presence, feeling pure happiness. There was nothing in that moment that could make my thoughts stray away from just her.

Alexa suddenly sat up, and thinking that something was wrong, i sat up too. I waited for her to say something, but when she didn't, I said, "Is everything okay? what's wrong?"

When I didn't get a response, I was getting ready to say something else, but she caught me off guard by slowly raising her hand up and lightly cupping my cheek, my face turning a bright red. "Can I kiss you?"

It took me a moment to process her question, but when it did my heart started to race and a whirlwind of butterflies fluttered within my stomach. "Y—yes." I stuttered.

I watched Alexa move her face towards me, slowly closing my eyes as she pressed her soft, plump lips against mine, them connecting as if our bodies were made to be together. One of her hands went to my waist, the other still cupping my cheek. With every touch of her hands against my skin the blush on my face turned more prominent. Her kisses were amazing. It didn't matter if she gave me a "bad" kiss(which isn't possible, by the way) or if someone else could kiss better. It was because it was her. No matter what anyone did, no one could make me feel the same way she made me feel.

After forever(which was, in my opinion, not long enough), we separated our lips. She her face was as flushed and red as mine.

"Yo—you're pretty." She blurted out after a few minutes of us staring at eachother, making me chuckle. "No you're pretty, Alexie." She giggled and laid back down on the bed, me doing the same, and we cuddled up against each other.

A while later, both of us started drifting off into dream land, falling asleep within each other's arms.


"River, honey!" Me and Alexa both woke up, groaning, not wanting to get up.

"What do you need, mom?" Alexa questioned, only slightly opening her eyes. "Don't you need to go home soon, hun?" Her mom asked me. That definitely woke me up.

I shot up, grabbing my phone to check the time. 7:24. "Ah, yes. I should be going in a few minutes..." I sadly replied.

"Okay, well tell me when you're ready to go, I can drive you home!" She excitedly told me. My eyes widened as I remembered something, saying, "Ah! No I don't want to cause you any troub—"

"We can take the bumper sticker off." Alexa cut me off, reading my mind. "Yes we can take the sticker off. I forgot your mother was.... uh—" She awkwardly coughed. "A—anyways! You should start getting ready." She said, quickly walking out of the room with Alexa, who had turned the music that she had put on on her way out. Sigh. I really didn't want to make her drive me home, but they hadn't really given me a chance to protest.

After I got ready, I walked outside to see Alexa and her mom trying to scrape the rainbow pride flag bumper sticker off of her car. My heart broke. According to Alexa, that sticker had been on her mom's car for years. But all it took for her to take it off was her wanting to give me a ride home. She was truly the best mom I've never had.

The whole ride there Alexa kept cutely whining about how she didn't want me to go, making me flustered.

When her mom pulled into the driveway, my mother immediately came out, and she got out of the car to greet her. Alexa cupped her hands around the side of my face, and to any other person, it would look like she was whispering something to me, when, in reality, she was kissing my cheek.

I said goodbye to Alexa and her mom when she and my mother were done talking. "Come over again soon, kitty." She told me, mouthing that last part.

I waved at the car when it drove away, too lost in my thoughts to hear my mom calling me to go eat dinner.

"God, I love her so much."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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