5 Days to Die

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Britta walked across campus, cursing the noon sun overhead for the lack of shadows. If she was late, Master Amani would have her head. Spying a small tree, she barely touched the shadow before she disappeared, quickly rematerializing in the dark corner of Amani's audience chamber. As soon as her feet hit the cold marble floor she fell to her knees in submission.

"Master Amani, I apologize for the delay."

Master Amani was cruel; a vindictive demon who maintained the hierarchy harshly within her own ranks. Her dark hair went to her feet in three thick braids that were laced together then tied taut to her waist when she fought. Master Amani rarely wore shoes, instead relying on the touch calluses on her claws which carried over into her human form. She was one of the few demons with truly gold eyes, and her demon form was something out of a nightmare. Britta had only seen it once and had no desire to see it again.

Amani sneered dismissively at Britta, her heavy gold hoop earrings jingling against her neck. She adjusted her red karakou, a traditional middle-eastern garment with ends that trailed elegantly onto the floor. The material contrasted beautifully with her dark skin and hair, and the golden threads weaved at the ends made her eyes flash under the soft hue of the glowing orbs that were set along the room in intervals.

I have a task for you. Completing it will be enough of an apology.

Britta nodded, eager to get on her Master's good side. She was one of the only Gamma demons employed by her Master, and only Amani's approval could keep her safe from the more powerful Alpha and Beta demons.

You know of the demon Andrew?

Britta gritted her teeth. She knew him alright, and he took up more time in her thoughts than she would ever admit to out loud. He was handsome, outgoing, and powerful. Britta doubted he even knew she existed.

"I know him."

Amani's eyes glittered dangerously in the low lights.

Good. I want him dead.

Britta stiffened, and Amani's eyes narrowed.

Consider it a test of your loyalty. A successful job will mean my permanent protection.

Britta's eyes widened even as her heart pounded erratically in her chest. Permanent protection was the goal for any demonborn, and it was near impossible for a Gamma demon to obtain. Britta didn't have a demon form like the Alpha and Betas, she couldn't use mind speech, and only had a few parlor tricks and greater strength that gave her an edge over normal humans. She needed this in order to survive. Demon society was brutal, and each rung she could climb on the ladder of advancement was another year she survived.

You have five days; or else.

Amani's hand waved dismissively, and Britta flinched at the insinuation. Needing no further invitation, she vanished in the same shadow she had arrived in. Britta wiped her eyes roughly with the back of her hand as she landed near the tree line outside of St. Michael's Academy.

She had tried for years to get into Andrew's circle with no tangible results. How was she supposed to get close enough to kill him, even assuming she could do it? Her stomach turned at the thought, and she tried to harden her heart. It didn't work. With savage, precise strikes from the short katana-like blade she kept at her waist, she hacked at the massive oak trees around her. Frustration bled out of her in tandem with the heavy sap from the trees, and eventually her anger waned. She sat on the ground to consider her options, but was back on her feet a moment later: she wasn't alone. Britta melted into the foliage as someone burst into the woods, stumbling desperately.

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