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Hello you may be wondering who's this, but don't worry my name is Litzy. I live in a beautiful place with my friends. We are the only ones who live in this place though.

When we were little, there was another person taking care of us. (Melly, Chase, and Brad swear there were other people) Anyways that's what most of us think. She was our mom. It has been years since she died in the accident. Since then we have taken care of each other. We still have a lot of things to tell Mom.


Anyways... Among us there is Brad and Jake. They are the oldest of us. Then there is Melly and Chase that are my same age though Chase looks older than his age. Then there is Wenda, Billy, and the youngest one Sky.

First of all Brad is really protective that even others get bothered by it (Even me. It's a secret). Then we have Jake who he always jokes about everything though there sometimes we all can see what he really is feeling. We now have Melly who is always learns things fast (I don't know how she does that). Anyways we then have Chase. He really gets along with Billy but I would say he is almost always with Jake and Brad.

We have been taught to control abilities that have been given to us since birth. Well... some but the important thing is that we use our abilities for protection.

Brad has flammable wings. Jake manipulates lighting rays from the sky. That sounds tough to practice, and trust me it has been dangerous. The lighting rays come from the sky to a specific place to attack no matter it's climate. Then Melly has the power of producing fire (If she gets mad, her eyes light up with fire). It 's scary. Oh I remember the time when.... oh no spoilers. Chase can make creations out of a cloud and then control it. His most favorite creation is shark. Even Chase named it. Meanwhile Wenda can make a whistle lightest to loudest which she has control of it (She is really good at it). Then we have Billy that has the ability to manipulate any type of resource of nature. He uses his abilities to even make technology. Finally we have Sky who has the ability to control the climate through her emotions.

You may be wondering what my power is. Well any time I sleep I dream a lot. In those dreams it shows me tiny through the biggest events of the future.

As you go on the story you will victimize a lot of adventurous, sad, happy, crazy, dangerous memories.

This is mine and my friend's story.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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