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Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish or English

Avery Kennedy-Rho's
2 years, 11 months, and three days into

"Ah, this is just like that one song by Green Day! Isn't it Avery?" Amelia says, jumping up from the street onto the worn-down, beaten-up cement walking path. "Ugh, how did that old song go again?" Amelia says stopping in her tracks, pondering like a four-year-old in her 'thinking' position that closely resembled an old famous French bronze statue.
The day is winding down, the early summer air is sweltering.

"I walk a lonely road-" I started to sing sheepishly, with a shit-eating grin on my face as I turned back to look at Amelia falling back a good distance from me. Letting my Ruger hunting rifle decline to lay against the side of my body, feeling tired of carrying the weight of its heavy metal body and also being on guard as we travel down the main street of a market district. At one point, this street was littered with specialty seafood restaurants, hobby shops, and people but now like the rest of the world, it is a destitute wasteland with broken and crumbling shells of buildings, slowly being overwhelmed with overpowering and untouched nature.

"AH YES! That's it Avery" Amelia says snapping her fingers as if something had clicked together in her brain before she came teetering and running down the edge of the broken-up pavement like it was some sort of balance beam or a tightrope. Her arms spread wide in the air as if she was a plane trying to keep her arms straight and balanced. The sun beaming all around her frame slightly blinding me as I waited for her to catch up to me.
"-the only one I've ever known" Amelia sang in her whimsical and stable voice starting up the previous song I sang in such a terrible tune as she now recalled an old classic song from our past we haven't heard in years, even before the Doomsday.

"Don't know where it goes but it's home to me and I walk alone" Amelia continues to sing before jumping from the sidewalk to the pavement of the street; her 'balance beam' path blocked by a string of fallen and burnt-up garbage cans. Her feet hit the ground with a loud and hard thud under her clunky, scuffed-up hiking boots. "I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams" she said raising her voice during the main chorus of the song.

"Ah-ah...ah-ah.." I mumbled to myself wanting to fill the silence too. "Avery! You forgot a verse before that" Amelia says whining as she finally caught up to my side. I roll my eyes at her before raising my gun back to my hands, gripping the forestock tightly, always on the lookout for any undead bastards waiting to come out of anywhere to try and charge us. "Whatever stop your pouting and restart from the beginning then." I said before we started down the street yet again, this time, side by side.
Without skipping a beat she started to sing 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' from the very top not messing up a lyric as if her tween emo phase was still alive and well.
I eventually decided to rejoin her, mid-song, singing lowly as we navigate the slanted and torn-apart streets. A shared moment of bliss between us in a bleak world.

Finally, we reached the market district.
The smell of rotten fruit and vegetables left to go sour or get torn apart by struggling and panicked survivors filled the ripped and jagged collapsing vendor stalls. The stalls have been filled to the brim with mold and have been left alone to be ripped apart by the wind. It was no surprise to see some slow dead ones wobbling about in the heat. Hallow, decaying, shells of people were the only fragment samples we had left to once remind us, that a human-dominated world used to exist. Their skin and faces rotted away from the elements passing by all this time. These zombies, the slow ones, we classified these practical types as 'Class Green'.
Over time, Amelia and I developed levels for descriptions and the danger of certain zombies. It was how we lived our lives now.
We based these levels on the old 'Smokey The Bear' fire danger signs we would always see in front of some parks back home. Back in the days when we would just go on hikes on bright sunny days or take last-minute camping trips on the weekends. Simple times that felt like decades ago.

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