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As I walked into school that fateful morning I felt a sense of excitement wash over me. Our homecoming game against Nekoma was tonight and our cheerleading team had been allowed to cheer for the game! I pushed my cheer bag a little higher on my shoulder and pushed open the front doors of Karasuno high, immediately getting hit by the chatter of students not wanting to go to homeroom.

I let out a small sigh and started the trek to my locker, hoping to find my friend before the bell rang. As I rounded the corner to the hall my locker was in I saw my friend leaning against his locker, going through his phone.

"Ennoshita!" I yelled, putting my hand up and waving excitedly. He looked up from his phone and smiled in my direction.

"Hey Suga." He stuffed his phone in his pocket and stood up fully.

"Are you ready for the game tonight?" I asked excitedly. He nodded and smiled, opening his locker to get his books for the day.

I heard a ruckus coming from around the corner and I turned to see the Football team making their way around the corner. It found it nice how all of them were friends, even though they were all so different. I saw the team's number five run straight through the crowd of students in the hall, closely followed by the number four. It was surprising to me how in their hurry they managed not to knock over a single person.

Once I realized they were running straight towards us it was too late to stop them. Number five ran into Ennoshita while number four ran into me, knocking me over.

I winced as I hit the cold tile floor, dropping the books I was holding in the process.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" Number four asked me frantically.

"Noya! Tanaka! What did I tell you about running in the halls?"

I looked up from the floor only to be met with the presence of the team captain, Daichi Sawamura. I blushed slightly at the sight of him in his football jacket and looked down at the floor, trying my best to hide the tint on my cheeks.

"I apologize for them. Here, let me help you up."

I looked up to see Daichi extending his hand towards me. I took it gratefully and he pulled me off the floor.

"Again, I apologize. They can be quite the handful sometimes." He chuckled lightly, not letting go of my hand. I could feel him staring at me, but I decided not to say anything about it.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence and him not letting go of my hand I cleared my throat and said,

"So are you going to let me go or..."

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" He said, quickly letting go of my hand and blushing fifty different shades of red.

I chuckled lightly and looked down. Ennoshita was still on the floor with number five almost straddling him. Ennoshita was quick to push him away, and the bald football player started to laugh at the blushing Junior.

"Again, sorry for the inconvenience. We should head to homeroom. Come on boys!" Daichi yelled, picking up the bald player by his collar and dragging him in the direction of their homeroom with the rest of the football team in tow.

I helped Ennoshita off the floor. He was blushing madly and I decided that I would take the opportunity to make some fun of it.

"So what was that all about, huh?" I asked in a suggestive tone.

"NOTHING!" He replied quickly, picking his books off the floor.

"Are you sure? Becau-"

"IT'S NOTHING SUGA." He stomped off to his class in a hurry, still blushing.

As he rounded the corner I started to laugh to myself, thinking it funny that my Kohai got flustered so easily.

I heard the sound of a bell ring through the school and I hurried to class, excited for the day to come.


There was a collective cheer from the stadium as Karasuno scored the final touchdown of the game in over-time, ending the game with a score of 34-20.

"Ready for our last cheer everyone!" I yelled to the cheer team over the deafening roars of the crowd. We all got in our positions and I counted off, starting the cheer.

"Firecracker, firecracker. Boom, boom, boom! The boys got the muscle, the coaches have the brains and we just won the game!" The entire cheer team yelled in unison, making another cheer erupt from the crowd. After the crowd had died down a bit and people started to shuffle out of the stadium I heard the unmistakable beep of the loudspeaker as the person in the play by play box started to speak.

"Ok everyone, that's it! Thank you for coming to the game! Could Koshi Sugawara report to the Karasuno endzone please? Koshi Sugawara to the Karasuno endzone. Thank you."

The microphone turned off with a small click and the entire cheer team looked at me with confusion. Honestly I had no idea what was going on either, so I just shrugged and started to make my way towards the end of the field.

As I got closer to my destination I noticed five pieces of paper hanging from the goal-posts, hiding whatever they had on them.

Suddenly, they were flipped over one-by-one, spelling out the message:


I was extremely confused for a moment before I saw the football team's captain step out from behind them with a bouquet of silver roses in his hand.


I covered my mouth with my hand as a familiar tune started to come from somewhere in the stands, playing the song, "You belong with me".

"Well, what do you say?" Daichi asked, extending the flowers towards me.

I cursed my over-emotional self for tearing up as I nodded my head, accepting the flowers. A smile lit up his face as he pulled me into a hug, sealing the deal.

I heard a yell from behind the goal post and I looked to see the entire Karasuno football team came running out, running to Daichi to congratulate him.

In the chaos, a small, orange haired player came up to me and said,

"So does that mean you and the captain are dating?" He asked in an excited tone.

I blushed and hid my face in my hands, managing to squeak out a small 'Hopefully'.



Ok, so for my new story I only have four chapters left to write and then I need to do a final editing sweep, so hopefully I'll have that story posted very soon!!

Have a nice day/night!


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