*part two*

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      Today is the day that me and my friends are flying to California and I'm currently packing the rest of my bag with my charger, and all my essentials. After I did that I packed my purse with my snacks and my headphones.
        I was the first awake like normal because I mean I still wake up early for work and they never do. So I went to wake Kayla and fayth up  and then ashley and lacee. We all live in an apartment together and they share a room but I have my own since I pay for most of the rent .
      Once I woke everyone up I went down stairs and went to fix me pancakes because who doesn't love pancakes. And since everyone came down with their bags I went load up my moms car since she was the one bringing us to the airport. While I was getting the car packed Kayla  came out and was talking to me about California.

" what do you think its gonna be like with just us" she asked me, since shes never been.

"its  really not that bad, we're gonna do a whole bunch of fun ass things and go onna big ass shopping spree so don't worry" I replied hitting my puff.

*skip to flight*

Once we got to the airport we went through security and had a little issues because of my piercings but we were all fine after that. and we got on our flight and of course me and Ashley had to fight over the window seat because we both wanted it but of course I got it. shes lowkey scared of me but we won't talk about that. 

See me because I smoked a blunt right before we left I ate my snacks and slept the whole flight just to kill time because I get bored on flights. Once we got to LAX we did all the boring shit and got our bags and since I'm the oldest I was stuck driving everyone around. I was waiting for our uber to get to the rental place listening to music and smoking my puff, when some random ass person ran into me.

" yoo what the fuck" i said very loudly, hella pissed off because I got knocked on my ass.

"geesh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention" this high ass dude said, but not going to lie he was cute as fuck. 

After I said that I heard a shit ton of high pitched screams and the random dude took off. I was still mad but I got over it after a while.  and soon after the uber got to us and were off to the rental and then the airbnb. Because all of us work hella hard we got this nice ass house in the LA hills. we all got our own rooms so we didn't care who got which room. I was in the kitchen trying to figure out what we needed from the store to eat for the next month. 

"KAYLA come see" I screamed out since she was in her room unpacking.

she soon walked in and asked what was up so I told her that we were going to the store before we all settled down and went to sleep for the next day. On the way out the house I randomly heard kayla ask me something.

"yo Alexis isn't that the dude that hit you earlier" she asked while pointing towards him smoking while at a party.

"yeah its whatever i don't even know who he is so I ain't trippen no more." i replied pulling out the driveway to go to the store. At the store we got all the things the house needed like snacks, drinks, and food to cook. and we was on our way back to the house. When we pulled out up to the house and brought everything in and kayla called out for the girls but we got no response. then we found a note on the counter 

'we got invited to the party next door so get ready and come on.  Ashley, Fayth, Lacee x' 

I looked over to Kayla and simply said "fuck yes" . so we both went got ready. Kayla wore a tight, knee length pink dress. and I wore tight ripped jeans and a bralette crop top. and we were on our way

when we got to the house we both just walked in and trust me hella people were starring at us but we just looked for our girls and found them drinking. Even though they underage but I ain't they mother so I can't say nothing. I went grab me and Kayla a drink while I was getting the drinks, trippy red  walked up to me and introduced himself

"yo I've never seen you around ,I'm trippy , whats your name" he questioned me

" hello im Alexis, and I know who you are I listen to your music" i replied with a light smile.

"ayyee i fuck with that so how old are you, just wondering so that I'm not talking to someone hella young" he tried to explain himself

" its ight im 20 tho" i said. and we sat there and talked for about life and shit and then I had walked back outside and all of a sudden I got bumped into again by the same guy at the airport. 

"you know you really need to stop bumping into me its getting kind of annoying" I said while getting up dusting grass of my ass. "im sorry I'm iann" he tried helping me get hair off my body.

I just walked away pissed off once again and just finished drinking and by the end of the night we were back home getting ready to go to bed.

*before yall say anything bout the character smoking and drinking realize its normal now a days  

My love ~iann dior Where stories live. Discover now