Chapter 7 *NSFW*

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After your long and awkward conversation between the three of you, Kenma prepared a bath for the both of you while Kuroo cleaned and prepared the room.
"Just one more time, are you sure youre okay with this" Kenma asked as he washed you back while leaving a trail of kisses behind. "Of course I am. Pinky promise me this stays between the 3 of us and we should be fine" you responded before you turned around and kissed his lips.
You weren't nervous for the most part, just questioning the situation. You were about to have sex with your boyfriend and his bestfriend. Before you could even get another thought into your head, Kenma spoke up. "Lets finish up here and head to the room. We have a special request. Put on your brand and your school skirt." Confused you replied "uhhh okay?"
About 10 minutes passed and Kenma dried your body off and passed you your outfit. "Don't worry about it okay?"
In your hands was one of your push up bras and your school skirt.

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