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The date was January 22nd, 2021. Michael Johnson [Strange Dark] woke up that morning to eat breakfast with his family.

Mr. Johnson: So, Michael, you're about to have another child.

Strange Dark: Yeah.

Antichlorobenzene: I'm so worried. Because Len modules have a high percentage of having more than one baby if they already have gone into labor before.

Mrs. Johnson: Can you stand up so that we can see your belly, Michael?

Michael stood up.

Mrs. Johnson: I believe there's only one baby in there, Andrea. He doesn't look that big to have twins or higher.

Antichlorobenzene: Okay.

Michael suddenly screamed in pain and put both hands on his tummy.

Strange Dark: It's time!

Mr. Johnson: Alright, let's get in the car.

Antichlorobenzene: I'll call Freida [Faker] and Lindsey [Liar].

And so, the Johnson family were now in the hospital. Michael's mom was in the delivery room with him. So Andrea and Mr. Johnson was in the waiting room. Freida and Lindsey had arrived a few minutes ago.

Faker: I think he'll have another girl.

Liar: What if he has a boy this time?

Faker: Nah.

Antichlorobenzene: I guess we'll see soon.

Spacy Nurse: Guys?

Mr. Johnson: Yeah? How is my son?

Spacy Nurse: Your son is fine now, sir. And so is the baby. If you want to see him, follow me.

The group went followed Veronica to the delivery room. There, they saw Michael holding a baby in his arms.

Mrs. Johnson: Oh hi, kids.

Liar: Hi, Mrs. Johnson.

Faker: So, is it a boy or a girl?

Strange Dark: It's a boy.

Faker: Oh, that's great! Harper's got a baby brother!

Antichlorobenzene: He's cute. Just like Harper was when she was born.

Strange Dark: Yep.

Faker: But my evil clone did this to you. I'll get Haou for this!

Liar: Hey, take it easy, Freida. We'll plan out something eventually.

Faker: I guess you're right.

Mr. Johnson: Let's just spend some time with our brand new family member.

And so, Michael has another child.

Allison and I are doing this little series. Both of us already did 1 part. We'll do the rest tomorrow. Until then, I'll see you in another story!

Strange Dark's In Labor AgainWhere stories live. Discover now