Drown-Proof Test

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He's here.

My chest feels tight, and I rub at my eyes before peeking up at him. He's asleep— leaned back into the chair in the corner of the room.

He seemed exhausted.

His lips have lost the blush, and there's shadows under his lashed eyes.

I lick at my own lips.


My features scrunch when he doesn't move. If he wasn't even stirring, then he was probably more tired than I'd thought.

It feels weird to breathe.

Rubbing at my chest, I silent slip out of the blankets and shake out my arms and legs. It didn't feel like anything was broken.

Then I tilt my head at his relaxed figure.

How long had he been here?

Breaking my eyes away, I shuffle back towards the bed. Then I pull out the blankets from the frame, heaping it into a fluffy ball in my arms.

It was getting to be a habit to do this.

Tucking the covers over his body, I pat the top of his soft hair and stifle a grin as I walk out of the room. It's quiet out in the halls, and the floor is colder under my bare feet.

No one?

I'm alone.

Still pressing at my upper chest, I search for a way outside. I just needed to breathe in some fresh air— it felt like something was blocking my lungs.

The smoke.

And there's a flash of memory.

I stop right in my tracks when I remember Taehyung's kiss. He'd breathed into me, and his lips were soft and cold.

My cheeks blush.

Forget about it. He did that just to save you— it wasn't like there were any feelings.

Trusting my directional sense, I keep walking in whatever pathway I feel like is right.

And then I see someone I know.

"Jungkook!" I mutter excitedly to myself as I press up against the transparent door of the training room. There's the boy right there, with Instructor Yoongi.

I'm watching him do pull-ups on the metal bar until the door suddenly swings open, nearly hitting my face.

Instructor Yoongi.

"You do look hella dazed."

Jungkook's noticed me now, as well. He drops down from the bar, jogging over.

I blink. "What?"

He pulls out his phone. "Tae texted me to tell him if I saw you. Said that you'd disappeared."

"Hi, Noona." Jungkook grins at me, and I smile back at him until I realize. Instructor Yoongi didn't know that—

"He knows."

"That you're a girl? Of course I do." He says, typing at his phone. "I knew since the moment I saw you. It's kind of obvious, you know."

Then he looks up.

"Tae's coming to get you. Better run, he sounds annoyed."

I blink.

Then I quickly run into the room, hiding behind one of the heavy training equipment tucked into the corner. And the timing falls perfect— he comes right through the door.

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