chapter 1

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the harsh winds nipped at my face and the feeling of frostbite threatened my fingers. definitely should've listened to mom about the gloves. I trailed behind my family as they chatted joyfully about the new year. they wisely left me alone, leaving me with my thoughts as company.  

my family had decided to take a nice, relaxing stroll to make the most of our last day on holiday. unfortunately, the weather had another idea. dark clouds and heavy snow covered the sky as we attempted to march back to the hotel.

finally granted with a moment of peace from my rowdy family, I used this time to ponder about what the new semester had to offer. one more year and I'll finally be a senior! 

as I mentally groaned about all the work that would await when I returned home, my phone buzzed. as I struggled to unlock my phone with my frozen fingers, I saw my best friend, brianna, had been spamming my phone. 

briannabitchass: y/n




y/n: huH

is that even possible

briannabitchass: god took u long enough to answer

y/n: look my fucking family is making me hike rn in a snowstorm 

briannabitchass: rip

y/n: dude

tell me abt the new kid



are they cute

briannabitchass: yes.

but zach knows only bc his coach said they're gonna have a new kid on the basketball team w him

y/n: hm

do we know his name

briannabitchass: nah

he's cute bitch

y/n: good to know

gtg fingers r gonna fall off

i can barely type

briannabitchass: peace

I hastily shoved my phone back into my pocket and tried my best to warm myself up by snuggling into my jacket. squinting, i noticed that the hotel was only a few miles away. thank god. ignoring the rest of my family, I sprinted ahead, barely slipping on the black ice. 

finally reaching the building, I burst into the hotel, reveling in the blast of warm air that hit my face. I shakily bring out my fingers, warming them up to regain feeling. 

there wasn't many people in the lobby, only myself and another boy around my age enjoying a hot drink by the bar. as i scanned the lobby, i noticed he was staring at me.

shuffling closer to the fireplace, I kept a mental note about the boy. turning around to sneak another place at him, we made eye contact. my cheeks flushed. he had the most striking brown eyes. almost like he was staring through me. his hair was dark, almost black, that was styled in what I can only describe as a cowlick. he must use a lot of hair gel. he had on a simple blue hoodie that was pulled over his hands as he cupped his drink. 

I turned back towards the fire so I wouldn't seem like too much a creep checking him out. moments later, I felt a figure plop down next to me. I turned my head, shit it was him. what the fuck is happening.

"hey," he said simply, not even glancing at me.

"hi," I replied, trying to seem as calm as possible.

he said nothing in response, only taking a small sip out of his cup. I stared into the fire, racking my brain to figure out what to do next.

at that moment, my family finally burst into the hotel. "Y/N!" my mother yelled.

"here!" I yelled back, "you guys go up first! I'm gonna hang out here for a little longer."

"alright, just remember we have dinner in a couple hours so come up and get ready before that!" she reminded as her and the rest of my family stepped into the elevator.

the boy turned back towards me, "your mom seems sweet."

taken aback, I looked back towards him, meeting his eyes again. his eyes. Jesus. 

"she is." I answered bluntly.

"nice of you to choose to hang out here with a complete stranger rather than going with your family," he teased.

I blushed again, "well, my family's not that much more fun."

"we could have some fun," he joked as he pulls out his key card.

my jaw dropped open. he chuckled slight as he slides the key back into his pocket.

he took another sip, "sorry if that was too bold."

shaking my head, I put my head on his arm, "don't worry about it. I could go for some fun right now." 

cute boy AND a private place to hook up in? this is opportunity is too good. 

he seemed a little shocked at my sudden boldness but quickly recovered, "really?"

his eyes challenged mine.

"really." I challenged him right back. 

"alright, say less." he grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the elevator. 

hey, it's my last day here. might as well. 

wilbur robinson x reader ; untitled storyWhere stories live. Discover now