Chapter Nineteen: Emotional Disarray

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Jack was a rather interesting monster.

He was kind in a careful, silent way. He was also cruel in an animalistic, wild way. There was no evidence to suggest the latter, but you simply knew. Your body, your mind, your instincts, they were all telling you he was an animal, that he was evil beyond measure and you simply couldn't see it because you were too blinded by the gentle way he wrapped the wounds on your hands. Your body told you it was only because if he wasn't gentle, he'd break you with ease. That the only reason he hadn't torn you apart was because he simply liked Toby. Your body told you he was dangerous, that he could be worse than Tim, that you should do something about it.

But fuck your body.

It had done nothing but cause you pain and give you strange, mixed feelings. So, you sighed into the cold air, staying relaxed as the gray-skinned man finished his work.

"Here, eat," he offered you a granola bar, one he had found in the cupboards of the kitchen. You took it willingly, leaning further into your chair as you unwrapped it. Your arm was resting on the table, the table that was still stained with your blood. However, it didn't seem to affect your appetite as you ate with ease.

"Thanks," you mumbled after a moment, suddenly remembering your manners.

He cracked a smile at that, shark-like teeth on display for a mere moment before his expression became neutral again.

"To be blunt, I'm surprised he hasn't killed you yet," Jack said after a moment, pulling up a chair and sitting across from you. "Is he good to you?"

You looked at the man unsurely, wondering why he cared so much. "He's... okay," was your response.

"Okay?" Jack chuckled a deep, rough chuckle. "You're breathing. That's a miracle. You must be clever, doing whatever it is you're doing."

You gulped. Was it a coincidence or did he know? Did he know about your manipulative games? Your lies? No, there was no way he could know.

"You're playing a game, he likes it, so he's playing along," Jacks tone was rather ominous now. "But when he finds out you're cheating... hmm, what then I wonder?"

He knew. But how?

"Well, if I'm playing a game..." yes you had lied to Toby, you had manipulated him, strung him along and seduced your way into this strange power dynamic. "I might have just played myself." But no matter how much you hated it, you couldn't deny a tiny part of you fell for the lies too, fell for him. It wasn't love. It could never be love. But there was an attraction, an admiration, a sense of respect. "But what makes you think I'm playing anything?"

"I'm not stupid," he stated rather dryly, "I've seen the way you talk to him, the way you look at him, negotiating, pleading, manipulating. Oh, don't worry, I won't say a word, he wouldn't believe me anyways. Interesting approach, it's new."

Twenty minutes later and you still weren't sure what to think of that rather ominous conversation. Jack was now gone, leaving you to mull over your day alone. At first, you were scared, worried that Tim would return to finish the job. But after a while, you realized there was no point in such needless fear.

You would have spent the rest of the day stumbling around the cabin and feeling sorry for yourself if it wasn't for the ringing of the doorbell. Toby? Jack again? Maybe it was Tim?

But then again, you wouldn't expect any of them to ring the doorbell. So, you began to move towards the door before your eyes caught the opened body bag still laying in front of it. You grimaced, suddenly realizing its awful scent. Despite how disgusting it was, you found yourself bending down and grabbing the bag by its sides, struggling to not tear it as you pulled it into the kitchen. Once out of sight, you returned to the door just as the bell was rung again.

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