Chapter 34 (edited)

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'What does this asshat take me for?!' I glared, my fists catching fire.

''There is no way I would ever back up from a challenge! Now...'' I got ready to run right at him.

''...Let's see what you've got!''

Stain POV

That kid didn't seem too frightened like the others. They may all look confident, but there is fear hidden in the eyes of every single one. 

But...this kid is different. 

'I shouldn't let my guard down around this one'

He ran straight at me, his hands ablaze.

''NO, DON'T DO IT!" The green-haired kid yelled, but neither of us payed attention to him.

''A fire quirk, huh?'' I mumbled and dodged his first attack. What I didn't expect was him appearing right behind me. I glared and swung my katana at him. But he used his quirk to boost him up and I missed.

Now he was above me, two fire whips blazing in his hands. He raised them and slammed down. I dodged at the last second and jumped up. He landed down as I went in for an attack, wanting to cut him open. But he crouched down, avoiding my katana and rolled away from me, kicking my weapon from my hands.

'This kid sure is fast'

He stood up and kicked my weapon behind him.

''You're pretty weak for someone with such a big name in the hero society'' 

''Don't mock me, kid. You will regret coming here'' I glared as he just grinned.

''We'll see who's gonna regret this more'' He chuckled and ran at me again.

I copied his action, pulling out one of my blades. When I was close enough I went in for a punch. He dodged by running to the side as he tried to punch my gut. I saw this coming and blocked his fist. He groaned as I bent his arm around, now touching his back. He fell down face first, and I was holding his right arm, my foot on his back as well.

''Any last words?'' I raised the blade above his back, ready to end this ''heros'' life. However, he just chuckled. I raised a brow.

'Is this kid seriously laughing when he's about to die?'

He turned his head to the side, his eyes looking straight at me. That's when I felt something burning my wrist. I hissed and jumped away.

My wrist had a burn mark from his fire.

''You really should be paying attention to your surroundings. Or maybe you're just too senile, old man! Can't believe you would only restrain one of my hands... you KNOW I have two, right?'' He laughed as I glared.

'He's really starting to piss me off...but...'

I looked back at him, right into his eyes.

'Those eyes...'

 I thought, dodging his other attack and going in for a strike.

He crouched down and caught my arm, throwing me towards the other two that were still paralyzed. 

Jeff POV

As I threw that son of a bitch away, he hit both Brocolli and Sonic pretty hard. And in my luck, their eyes were shut right after.

''Hey Deku!''




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