Chapter 15

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Many of the scout huddled around the stables, Including Levi who sat in a carriage and looked at them though unknown to the others he grew concerned not hearing from Aya's squad.

'Why would they want her? and what the hell did that bastard priest mean' Levi thought glaring at the floor before his attention was taken over by a shouting voice

"Hey! The advance squad is back!" A soldier shouted running towards them all, Levi turned to look at him.

"So there was no breach in the wall?" Pixis asked the solider "Thought so" He muttered as he turned to look away

"That's not all! We ran into Commander hanji and Captain Aya's squad there were soliders from the 104th corp and well three of them were TITANS!" The soldier shouted eyes wide as did everyone else.

"Seriously you mean three more? Who Sasha who were they?!" Jean asked Sasha eyes wide who only looked towards the floor

"Well i umm" Sasha mumbled

"Jean calm down" Erwin spoke placing his hand on the boy shoulder who immediately calmed down "What happened when their titan forms were revealed?" Erwin contiued as he asked the solider

"The scouts engaged the titans in battle as best of they could but by the time our unit had arrived it was two late" The man muttered gritting his teeth in guilt "They got Eren" he finished

"And captain Aya?" Levi asked standing up as everyone looked at the captain shocked, But once the man didn't look towards Levi he grabbed him by the collar "What happened to Aya!" Levi screamed 

'Darkness that what consumed my vision, but then i saw light and i saw a man he was shouting something but i couldn't hear him all i could see was his green killing eyes' Aya thought before she fluttered her eyes open to see a women smiling at her one with shining blue eyes

'Aya' She smiled down at her as Aya only looked at the women before she closed her eyes once more.

"Captain! Can you hear me?!" A voice shouted as Aya slowly open her eyes to meet shining blue worrying eyes.

"Historia?" Aya grumbled in a whisper like voice as the small girl looked at her eyes wide as did all the over soldiers

"Oh, Good your okay" the girl mumbled as Aya looked towards her eyes squinting in confusion

"How? How am i alive?" Aya questioned as she began to sit up holding her throbbing head in her hand

"It's a miracle, I mean after Reiner had took Eren  and Ymir we found you laid on the floor unconscious and we managed to bring you over here" The small girl muttered 

"WAIT! They got Eren?!" Aya shouted shooting out of the bed 

"Hey don't get up your legs is bro..k.en" Historia trailed of as she looked towards the captain shocked to see her walked,Aya looked across the wall to see all the soldiers burned and laying on the floor 

"How long have i been out for?!" Aya shouted at the girl who only looked down sadly 

"About 5 hours" She spoke as Aya eyes grew wide as she looked out the wall

"Has someone gone after Eren and have you informed the commanders?!" Aya asked again as she grabbed her coat and placed it around her. 

"Yes, Someone went after They took Eren" Historia mumbled as Aya looked at the girl sadly, Before she ruffled her hair

"Ymir is alive so don't worry" She smiled towards the girl who nodded and ran off to help the other soldiers 

"How am i okay?" Aya asked herself as she looked around shocked that was until she saw Armin stood near a scratched up Mikasa. 

"Hey are you okay?" Aya asked as she walked up to both Armin and Mikasa who stood near the wall looking out towards it. "We're gonna get him back alright" Aya stated patting the two on the head"

"Captain" Armin spoke as the girl looked down to meet his eyes "Thank you, You pushed me out the way because you realized that i wasn't strong enough to carry you with me" Armin mumbled looking down as he gripped his fist tightly 

"Hey kid. Everyone has their own strengths and weakness. Your strength is that brilliant brain of yours. We wouldn't of gotten this far without you" Aya smiled towards the boy who only looked down

"But i couldn't save Eren" Armin mumbled looking down. Aya looked across to see Mikasa doing the same. Aya didn't know what to do except one thing. She grabbed the two and consumed them in a hug. 

"I swear on my life, We will get Eren back" Aya spoke as both Mikasa and Armin's eyes were wide at the interaction. Aya soon let them go slightly smiling at the two before she looked at them "we're gonna get him back" She stated as the two kids nodded but looked at her hesitate 

"Hey Hannes You know those kids right?" Aya asked the man who she had ran up two

"Yes captain i do" The man mumbled

"Okay then give them this and go give them encouraging words" Aya smiled handing him the field food she had found as the man hesitantly took the food "Eren talked about you, he said you may of been a drunk bastard but your a good man" Aya smiled towards him as the man chuckled and walked towards the kids 

Aya looked out towards the green landscape as she gripped her fist tightly 'I didn't die. How? and who was that voice?' Aya thought before she looked back towards her hand 'And how am i healing so fast? I have a feeling them traitors know the answers' She finished thinking before she walked away.  

"Their here!" Aya shouted as the solider who weren't injured gathered around the wall and watched as the other scouts came trotting on their horse towards them. Erwin jumped off his horse and walked towards Aya. 

"I see your well Aya, We were told you might of not made it" Erwin spoke as Aya's eyes were wide as she looked at the man 

"Wait does that mean Levi-" Aya began but was cut off my a nod from Erwin, The blondes eyes grew wide "Sir can you-" She began but was cut off

"You won't be accompany us, they are after you and your injured and that would be a disadvantage for us" Erwin spoke as he walked past the blonde captain who's eyes were wide

"But commander!" Aya shouted turning to look at the man. 

"But nothing Aya, You need to go and see Levi" Erwin spoke and Aya looked towards the floor hesitantly before she ran towards were the squads had come, pushing past many of the soldiers. 

"Levi! Levi!" Aya repeated as she sprinted through the compound, Not hearing a peep as she looked around concerned, as all she could hear was her feet hitting the floor "Huh?" Aya questioned as her vision began to grow hazy as she swung into the wall leaning on it. 

"I should of expected this" Aya mumbled to herself as she held her heads, Gritting in pain as her vision grew dizzy. 

"Aya! Aya!" A voice shouted as the girl looked up and saw a figure jogging towards her and catching her as she fell to the floor

"I'm Alive Levi, I haven't left you alone! "Aya shouted as she gripped the man shirt, Levi wrapped his arm around her nodding 

"I know" Levi muttered gripping her body tighter into he rested his chin on her head.  

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