Jester,hypemyke, and Graphnix are getting used to evan and Myles🤓

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"Now that you guys have met evan and myles they needs a room to sleep in and the room that they will be sleeping is my room." Jester says having faith in Myles and evan. "OK I agree with that. Itzduhmorgan says liking evan and myles. " I'm down with that." Graphnix says. "Hey no offence to evan and Myles but they need more clothes because they have been living on the streets of Arizona. And that's why we should lend them some of our clothes to wear and I am happy that evan and Myles have a place to live and sleep." Hypemyke says while looking at evan and Myles and waving at them. "Yeah hypemyke we should lend them some of our clothes because their hoodies are all dirty. *Myles crying* "myles are you OK? Hey what's wrong what's bothering you?" Jester says. Itzduhmorgan and graphnix put their arms around evan and myles but that made things worse because of this. "Hey evan,myles did you know me and itzduhmorgan are brothers?" Graphnix says. "Graphnix evan and Myles had abusive parents that only cared about Myles and treated evan like he never existed. That's why they ran away and became thieves. So thats how hard their life is right now." Jester says Trying to make evan and myles feel comfortable. "Oh wow I didn't know that you and evan are still going through that we are so sorry so you guys are permanently living with us plus you are our new best friends and we care about you. Also you guys are only 18 so still teenagers but with strong hearts so uh are you hungry at all evan and myles" Evan and myles nod their head and hypemyke says this. "Evan let me show you where jesses room is Evan. and Myles you are sleeping in graphnix room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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