Chapter one

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Chris's POV

Motionless in white goes on tour in two days. Im going to sleep these two days away since I won't get any sleep on road. Right as I was getting into bed I heard a knock on the door.

"I got it." Ricky said laughing.

"Thanks dude!" I yelled.

"Uhh Guys can you come here."

We all walked into the living room and noticed he was with a little girl. Who's kid could that be? How did she get here?

"Rick why is their a little girl here?" Balz and I said.

"I'm not sure... She was at door alone. I looked around and didn't see anyone."

"Maybe she wondered off." Ryan said.

" I think someone left her here. She was sitting on a bag when I opened the door."

"Well open the bag and see what's in there. Maybe there is a letter explaining everything." Ghost said.

Ricky opened the bag and it had a few clothes, teddy bear, shoes, and bottles in it. He took everything out and at the bottom of the bag was a letter. He opened it and read it out loud.

"Dear Chris,
This is Lilith, my daughter, OUR DAUGHTER. She's two years old and her birthday is on October 21st. I know you can take much better care of her than I can. Don't bother to come looking for me, just take good care of her. Here are some clothes and hear favorite teddy bear."

We all stood there in shock. Could this really be my kid? How does she know where I live? Who is she? A million questions were running threw my head.

"Holy shit..." I said sitting down on the couch.

"There is no way this could be happening. Dude you don't even have random hook ups!" Ricky said.

"It's 3 am who the hell drops off their kid who is two at a guys doorstep then leaves with out saying who she is or anything!" Balz said.

"Well we will have to figure out everything tomorrow. I'll go put her clothes up." I said.

I went back downstairs and found her playing with ghost and bald. Man she's sure going to love them. I heard begin to cry and went over to her.

"Uhh guys? What do I do? I don't really know anything about babies." I said.

"Does she wear a dipper?" Ryan asked.

"Ghost you're checking!" Ball shouted.

We all started laughing. Balz finally checked her to see if she wore them after what felt like 20 minutes of waiting. I think he was afraid to haha.

" Oh yeah... She wears them and hers happens to be full."

"There were no dippers in the bag. So what do we do now ?" I asked.

Ghosted laughed at me. "Dude go to the store and get some for her."

"Can you come with me, you seem to know more about this stuff then me."

"Yeah sure. I'll meet you in the car "

We got in the car and I ended up holding her tell we got there. She had fallen asleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Could this really be my daughter? Part of me hopes she is but then another part of me doesn't. A couple minutes later we got to a Walmart and ghost went in and got her dippers while I stayed in the car with her. Ghost was really good with this stuff. He knew so much and I didn't no anything. Well that's going to change because if she's mine I'm going to try my best to be the best father for her. And well if she isn't I can't just leave her on my side of the road so I'll raise her as if she's my own.

"Guys were back!" I quietly shouted.

"Hey want anything to drink you still seem really shocked by this" Rick said.

"Yeah thanks"

"Here I'll take little Lilith and put her in your bed. She's was really sleepy" ghost said.

Ricky and I stayed and talked down stairs for a little while then noticed it was almost 5 am so we went to bed. Wonder how tomorrow's going to go...

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