Chapter one : Memories

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A lot of you guys enjoyed this on tumblr (: so i made it into a fanic, also i hope this doesnt confuse you too much! 

I sat in front of an old bald man. He was setting up to take notes and our file was on his desk. “Mr. and Mrs. Styles” I laughed mentally in my head. That was soon to be far from the truth. I don’t even know why we had to come here. Harry and I had to take Marriage counseling before filing the divorce. They want to make sure we are sure; also they need to know it’s a valid reason. I mean Harry has a new girl friend, which should be enough reason. I hear the door behind me open and close and hear his steps. I look beside me to see him sit down.

“Sorry I am late I was with Cindy” he says, the man looks at me at the mention of her name.

“Does that bother you?” he asks crossing his arms leaning in. I looked between him and Harry, both eyes on me. I stayed quite. Of course it bothered me I still love him.

“Alright then” the man says, he looks at our files.

“I will see you twice I week for the next 5 months” he says, I hear a sigh coming from Harry. 5 months, my stomach would be showing by then. Harry didn’t know about the baby yet. If I told him he would think I was trying to keep him around. I fiddled with my hands as the man wrote down stuff on his note pad.

“Lets start, how did you guys meet?” he asks leaning back into his chair, I look up to meet Harry’s green eyes. I quickly look away.

“Melody why don’t you start?” I cleared my throat.

“We met at a club.”

Flash Back


I laughed, as my friends took shot after shot. I was having a blast. Today is my birthday, finally 21! I am the baby of the group, they always teased me about not being able to come into the clubs with them, but today that changed. My friend had surprised today, they showed up with a bag with a black dress inside. They didn’t tell me where we were going, but I had an idea.

“Do you want anything else to drink?” My best friend Matt asked,

“I’ll go with you” I yelled over the music of the club, he nodded leading me the bar. I stood on my tippy toes leaning on the counter.  I wasn’t short but wasted and needed something to recline on.

“What do want?” he asked, he was close to me so he didn’t have to yell. I shrugged I was not a big drinker so I had no idea what to ask for.

“Just Beer” I said smiling up at him, he nodded asking the bartender,

“You like London so far” he asked, my mind was blurry I scrunched my nose at him.

“What?” I yelled, he laughed at me shaking his head. I see him glance up and stare behind me; I turn my head to see people gathering in one place and a couple of guys being guarded.

“Wonder what’s that’s about” I yelled over. Matt had a smile on his face I knew he was teasing me in his mind, I stuck my tongue out at him.

“I’ll be right back! I’ll check it out!’ I nodded at I turn back to the bartender, he handed me my beer and I chugged it. I swayed my hips to the beat of the music with the beer in my hand. I kept dancing and drinking my beer, my head was dizzy but I was enjoying myself. As I walked down the steps to the dance floor I trip on my own feet, I scream, but doubt anyone heard over the music, my eyes go wide as I see the floor chanting my name.  I close my eyes ready for impacted, I feel to arms grab my arm pulling be back, I bump into a chest.

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