Chapter 3

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~Alana's POV~

"Okey, wouhhh breath Alana!!!" I spatted while walking around my closet looking for the right outfit to use. "You're making it sound like it's the end of the world!" Pippin said grinning.
"Well, this is not like Paris fashion week is it? It's Diagon Alley! For goodness sake people who hates me and granky could just conjure the killing curse once they lay eyes on us. At least die with a good outfit on!" I said while taking out almost every song skirts I own.

"Ouhhh pumpkin it's been 2 hours, I'm not getting even younger here!" Granky sighed while coming an leaning to the pillar in my closet.

"Ouhhh pumpkin it's been 2 hours, I'm not getting even younger here!" Granky sighed while coming an leaning to the pillar in my closet

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"Hmm No... too nice? Ouhh too friendly that's it!" Granky said. "Honestly granky you look like your 60 and you absolutely act so... hold on then let's hope this is the last!" I prayed.

 hold on then let's hope this is the last!" I prayed

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"Perfect!" Granky, pippin and I said in unison. A long sleeve not so fit turtle neck top with short, flowy maroon A-line skirt, black stockings and dark boots. As a 13 year old girl I have a slim yet curvy body. Curves usually pops out at the age of 14 or 15 but because of the dresses and corsets I've been wearing for years every ball and official dinners, I have developed a slight curve already.

"Silver or sparkles?" Pippin asked while holding 2 types of necklaces one silver & one with diamonds. "Simple silver! Don't make the diamonds outshine my pumpkin..." Granky said as pippin was helping me with the necklace.

It was raining throughout London and it made me fidget even more. I have never seen a whole place full of people like me, special in a way. Granky seem to be quiet too. Maybe he's as nervous and scared as me? "Harold, turn left to South side of Oxford street, straight to Bond street." Granky commanded.
"But granky that's not where Diagon Alley is?"
"This might be the last time we ever get to shop together before you go to school pumpkin, last time we had a shopping spree together was on your birthday, then next week you're off to school." He answered while holding my right hand. I smiled and slide over to his side of the car and hugged my last family.

"Here we go pumpkin!" He said grabbing my hands tight

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"Here we go pumpkin!" He said grabbing my hands tight. With 2 of granky's body guard standing in front and behind us the bricks of the wall start shifting and rolling aside opening up a path that made my eyes glowed. "Diagon Alley..." I sighed.

Eyes, eyes and glares everywhere as if granky's Heterochromia eyes has threatened the whole colony of wizards. The air even smelled like hatred and that granky and I are not supposed to be there.
"What you looking at!" Shouted granky's bodyguard pointing out his wand.
"Pumpkin hold on tight and no need to be scared." He said stepping into the alley. "No worries granky, I'm perfectly fine!" I stated letting go of his tight hand and touched up my skirt to make sure it was nice and neat. Then I wrapped my arms around his, raising my chin and fixing my posture as we walked. Step by step we took and no eyes left us alone as we walked into Gringgots, a beautiful place that reminded me of the halls we had in the manor. I stood on the front door and waited with one of the bodyguards as granky went in to switch currencies. It felt terrifying not being with granky as if those eyes who are staring at me could just rip my life out in a second, yet I felt terribly powerful that our family's presence disturbed almost everyone here.

"Hello there beautiful!" A boy with dark skin and buzzed curly hair shouted. "Watch your mouth!" The bodyguard spat coming towards him. The boy ran away as fast as he could leaving a smile on my face. "What a coward.."

"Who's a coward?"
"Ouhh no one granky just a boy trying to disturb me." I answered as I wrapped my arm around his and walked out of Gringotts. "Ollivanders!" I said in awe. The body guards stayed out not letting anybody else in as granky and I stepped in.

"The great Gellert Grindelwald..." said the old crusty granpa in the front counter. "You must be the granddaughter... Welcome to Ollivander's little one, I assure you we make the finest wand for the finest witch." He said taking my hand. Weird but Oukey...

"Try this..." he said handing me the first wand that's not anybody else's. It was beautiful dark brown with rose gold vine-like thingy wrapping around it. As I wrapped my tiny hands around it a light glowed from the top of the wand, creating a light yet strong wind surrounding us three. Once the glowing and wind stop, glitter started floating around the room.

"Majestic you are little one..." he said looking at granky.

"Hornbeam 11 3/4 inches with Phoenix Feather core. Powerful you are, Talented and passionate. It is tough for someone to get a Hornbeam wand for it's really picky you see..." he said as I stare at the most beautiful wand I ever saw. "Well it is one of the wands I remember taking most time 'decorating' in a way, vines dusted with shimmering rose-gold pixy powder. Yet I'm not surprise looking at you, Alana isn't it? What a beauty..." he said with soft voice.

"Thankyou Ollivander, appreciate it..." Granky said with a smile on his face. Granky doesn't smile to regular folk muggle or wizard, I felt really happy that we are welcomed in a way. Granky grabbed my shoulder and led us out.
"Wait Granky!" I exclaimed running back inside Ollivanders.
"Is there anything else I can help you dear?"
"I just wanna say, Thankyou so much for your hospitality, everyone else seems so cold to me and granky yet you didn't assume that I was evil or anything... Thankyou Ollivander sir..." I said with a bright smile on my face then rushing outward.

"Ouhh are those the things I need?" I asked as I saw that the 2 bodyguards are no longer bodyguards anymore more like a trolley now.
"C'mon now pumpkin let's go home..."
"But why granky? Can't we stay longer? Maybe grab an ice cream together!" I begged.
"Hmm I don't think it's safe luv, but if you insist you. Wright! Protect her as she go get ice cream, Allston come with me!"

"You're not coming?"
"Go grab the ice cream and meet me straight where our car is... I have to see someone first."

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