{UPDATE: I rewrote Chapters 1.2 and 1.3 because I felt like the story was going too fast and I also felt that what happened was too stupid, I reread it and I was literally bothered by what happened, it was too immature and too rushed. Plus, I also changed the chapter names, I wanted to keep it simple. I hope you guys will understand. Thank you. x}



(Thursday, Lunch, 12:01 noon, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf)

Em: (after ordering, looks for a seat, spots Elis penning something down on a sketchpad, shouts) Elis! (a lot of people glares at her except Elis, covers her mouth, accidentally hits herself with the buzzer, giggles at herself, runs towards Elis) Elis! (hits her lightly on her left arm)

Elis: (looks up, removes her earphones) Ye- Oh my god! Em! (stands up, puts her sketchpad and pencil down, hugs Em) It's nice to see you again!

Em: Right?! What a small world. (points to the chair in front of Elis') Can I take a seat there? There are no available seats anywhere else. (Elis nods, they both sit down, Elis keeps her sketchpad and pencil, Em curiously looks) You sketch?

Elis: (small) Yeah, it's nothing... Just...uhm... a random sketch. (faint smile)

Em: Oh, don't be silly! No art is small. Can I please see?

Elis: (insecure) Well...uhh..it's nothing im-important...er.. just a plain doodle.

Em: (comforting) Hey, I'm sure they're beautiful!

Elis: No reall- (gets cut of by the buzzing of Em's buzzer)

Em: (checks buzzer) I guess my order is ready, I'm just gonna get it! (stands up and goes to the claiming counter)

Elis: (immediately keeps the sketchbook, and takes out her laptop and work things, opens her laptop and continues to eat her pasta)

Em: (walking towards Elis with a tray and a big smile) Hey, what are you doing?

Elis: (smiles up at Em) Work.

Em: What happened to your sketches? (puts the tray on the table, sits down)

Elis: (shy smile)

Em: (low) Hey, I'm sorry if I pushed you. I didn't mean to, I just wanted to see your works.

Elis: (faint) That's okay, I'm just not confident about my works. I'm sorry too.

Em: (smiles) I'm really sorry.


(Same Day, 4:23pm, Elis and Beth's workplace, G Building)

Beth: (runs towards the door of their office, whispers) Is Mr. G in there?

Elis: Nope, he went home already? (curious) Why?

Beth: (smiling wide, high pitched) Oh my god!

Elis: (matching Beth's mood) What?!

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