A friend to hold

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"I wasn't born then but apparently a nasty outbreak of a disease called 'covid-19' had spread across the world. Some smaller countries and Islands like Hawaii managed to contain and get rid of the disease while bigger countries like America still struggled  to contain it" you flopped onto your bed and paused the music,"about half a year later they found a 'cure' and distributed it across the world but it turns out that was a huge mistake"

Vivid pictures and vidoes of the world wide catastrophic relayed behind your eyelids,"apperently someone tampered with the vaccine and turned the 'cure' into an even stronger virus,a combination of some of the most infectious diseases and illnesses known to man like the common cold and Ebola,it even mutated into something that scientists still can't explain,in short,the planet had to be abandoned and only the rich, influential, and selected few of the government were allowed to flee on secret space ships hidden underground, one thing led to another and here we are"

Karz thought about what you just said and it didn't surprise him, Humans were self destructive by nature.

"Thats what they say atleast but we'll never know the truth," you rolled over onto the floor next to Karz,you'd only gotten a small portion of his hair combed out and would take atleast a few days to get it completely combed through but your hand was tired and sore so you decided to stop for today.

"I see,so is the planet a wasteland now?"

"No I think they shut down all the nuclear reactors and chucked anything chemicaly dangerous into a black hole,the planet is fine its just the people there are....well, I guess up the creek without a paddle?

You humans also had funny ways of expressing yourselves,what did that even mean? 'Up the creek without a paddle?'.

"Oh! We need to find you a room to spend the next few months in huh?" You also were going to need sheets and a pillow and-

"Its fine,I can just stay here"

"I umm guess thats great then?" You didnt mind sharing but you kinda wished you had more time to prepare,"well,I guess ill have to make the bed bigger then," you grabbed his hand,"come on! Up you go!" You help him up,not that he needed it, and pulled the rest of the bed out. It was a few extra feet of room, enough for two people. But Karz was basically the same size as two people.

"Mmm let's see,whats on today's agenda? Oh! Karz! Do you want to come down with us to this little planet this afternoon?" It was a small,earth like planet that needed a recon team to inspect its resources for potential colonization! "Oh but your eyes haven't fully healed yet so maybe its best you stayed here on the ship"


With a bunch of potential humans that could try and launch him back into that god awful endless void called space!? No

Hell no

"I'm going with you"

"Eh?" You were a bit shocked,"K-karz,you can just stay here! I-"

"No, you humans are way to fragile to be left on your own," he'd seen many,many humans die of very stupid things like a snake bite or a broken leg. He would not let that happen to his only chance of getting to earth.

"Oh well,I guess we really will have to go find you a space suit then huh? Mmm thats gunna be a problem,I dont know if we have suites in your size" you grabbed his cold hand and pulled him up,"lets go see if any of them can fit you!" You opened the door and guided him out.

"How big is this space craft?" He asked.

"I dont know exactly but its pretty big! Oh watch your step,we got some steps going up"   there were only about five steps,Karzs easily stepped over them,"But I'm surprised you want to come with us to Safargi," you swiped your card and the storage room opened up.

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