"Peter, meet the Avengers"

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So, I think the way this is gonna play out is uh, please give me ideas at any point in time, on any chapter, just yeah. Basically, Peter is 15 and nobody except his mom and dad (and Nat) know about him.

Peter Stark, son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, was headed back home. Well, to Stark Industries, but still.

Peter walked into the building, nodding politely at the receptionist, Jenna. Everybody here knew of Peter, well, not entirely, they just knew that if you hurt him, Tony Stark will be on your ass. No one really knows how Peter came to be. He just showed up one day claiming he worked for Tony Stark himself, and it went from there. People around the building started to call him Mini-Stark, completely oblivious to the fact that he would in fact be their boss someday.

Peter stepped into the private elevator on the east wing and began his ascend to the penthouse. The elevator dinged, signaling he was on the 95th floor, and he stepped into the overly decorated living room. He went into the kitchen grabbed a snack and went to his bedroom to finish his homework.

About an hour later, Peter decided to watch one of the many Star Wars movies out in the living room. He liked that TV better, 1. Because it had F.R.I.D.A.Y. Hooked up to it so he only had to use his voice, 2. because its closer to the kitchen, and 3. because its HUGE, like not cinema huge, but very very close. The boy snuggled up into one of his Iron-man throw blankets (curtesy of his dad) and a giant box of candy.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. dim the lights in the living room to 13%." He told the A.I., the perfect amount of darkness, but not too dark, so that he could still make his way to the kitchen without tripping.

-+*+-Steeb's POV-+*+-

We were a couple days early, we had gotten of the mission quickly, so hopefully Stark won't mind if we drop in a few days earlier than we planned. Bucky, Wanda, Nat, Sam, and I, went over to the private elevator by the east wing that leads directly to Stark's penthouse. We know he isn't home, but we decided, that its not like we could do anything harmful to the place that he hasn't already done. Not that we would do anything harmful. But, still.

"Alright F.R.I.D.A.Y. Take us to floor 95 please." I call out to the voice that controls the elevator.

"Of course, Mr. Rogers."

I looked around and saw that Natasha was practically shaking in her brown uggs from a look of excitement. What could she be so excited about? It's just Stark, we saw him like 2 months ago.

-Natasha POV-

I couldn't help but smile, hoping to see my маленький паук. I haven't seen him since he was at least 10. He should be around 15? Right? I don't know, its been forever, and I really hope he's here. Usually Stark tells him when we are coming, so Peter usually goes over to a friend's house. So, I convinced Steve to help me wrap up the mission faster, so that I might have a shot at seeing my маленький паук.

I know that Stark wants to keep Peter a secret from the team, but I think he'll live.

-+*+-Peter's POV-+*+-

When I heard the elevator ding, I immediately wondered why Dad was home so early, I mean he's always here, but he doesn't come back to the penthouse until like 6. And its 4 now. I don't turn around to look at him, instead, I grab another Hershey bar out of the box and continued watching the next Star Wars movie.

I thought I heard chatter in the background, but decided it was probably my dad talking to F.R.I.D.A.Y. or maybe he's on the phone with someone? I don't know.

-+*+- Stevie Boy's POV-+*+- (sorry for all the switches)

The elevator dings and I'm met with a very loud, "I am your father." I assume its Stark, although he's not one for particularly loud movies. My idea is shot down quickly as I see what looks like a teenager wrapped up in a blanket, chowing down on a Hershey bar.

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