The Famous Bextley Riddle

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Hi I'm Bexley Riddle! Most people call me bex and if you couldn't tell by my last name my dad is the infamous Voldemort. Yup that's right you heard me but don't worry I've never actually met him.

When I was a baby he was ashamed of me and gave me to the Malfoy's. When I was around 2 months old the Malfoy's decided to have a kid of there own and so they gave me away to there relatives, Narcissa's sister Bellatrix. Ever since then Bellatrix has been the mom figure to me. I have never met the Malfoys that I can remember because Bellatrix (which I call mom) said it's not safe and that I'm not to leave the Mansion unless said to.

So that leaves us to right now, I'm 16 year old Bexley with no friends and no human interaction besides mother and my black cat Iris. Here is a quick description of myself, I'm 5'4, I have long black hair, blue eyes, and well ig you could say I really like the color black.

My dream is to one day go to Hogwarts but then agian I've never even talked to another person besides mom which puts me at a disadvantage. I'm not stupid or anything I've been homeschooled and Mother says I'm really smart.

At the age of 5 I had all my 1st year spells mastered and at the age of 11 I was on my 3rd year spells. Mother makes me do weird chores around the house like very month I have to finish reading every book in our library which is probably 200 so I spend most of my time reading. I know most of the books by heart considering I've read all of them since I was 2.

I know every spell there is to know and every potion there is to make.I'm pretty good when it comes to Fighting with spells because mom has me train every weekend with a random person who wears a mask, so I don't know who it is. The one thing I'm not good at is magical creatures don't get me wrong I love my cat iris it's just I don't really like any other animals.

I've been taught with a wand but I can do most spells with just my mind which mother said was normal. Enough talk about that let's get to the point.

It was Thursday and the rain was pouring more then usual. I had put some slippers on and made my way down to the kitchen. It was fairly cold and there wasn't much to eat. I grabbed a box of coco puffs and filled my bowl with cereal and milk. I sat in silence and ate while in my thoughts.

How come I can't leave, mother leaves everyday and comes home perfectly fine. Its just not fair! If only I could go to Hogwarts and show mother that it's safe and that I could do great things then maybe she would let me live a life instead of being cooped up in this old mansion, that is to big and has to many freaking rooms for only 2 people to live in it! I'm bored, I want to leave! I could just get up and walk out and pretend to be another person and guess what no one would notice since I've never even TALKED TO SOMEONE BESIDES MOTHER!

Wait... that's it I could leave and change my last name and go to Hogwarts and live my life!

At the time I may not have been thinking straight. I ran to my room and grabbed a piece of parchment and my quill. I dipped the quill in the black ink

Dear mother,
I don't mean to upset you it's just that I have decided to take things into my own hands. I'm tired of being in this mansion all alone! I will miss you and it pains me to leave you all alone. I hope you understand, please don't come looking for me. When I'm ready I promise I will come back to you just let me explore the world learn new things and find out who I am.

Love your one and only daughter,
Bexley Lee Riddle-Lestrange

-I hope you guys liked chapter one I know it's short but there is plenty more to come and I will try and make them longer. Please comment any suggestions and give this book a vote to let me know you like it! Love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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