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Tap tap tap... Hazel sat, boredly tapping her pencil against her desk. She had a lot to think about, but none of it seemed to fill her mind. "Oh my, I'm sorry for the interruption. I'd like you all to meet our new student." Mrs. Franck smiled as she beckoned the new student. "Introduce yourself dear."

Hazel glanced up and groaned in annoyance, her cousin Chase was standing at the front of the class, his eyes glued on her with a mischievous smirk on his face. He briefly nodded to the teacher, "Yes ma'am. I'm Chase Verice, I moved to Forks from Maine, but I lived in Italy for a lot of my life."

"How very interesting, are you perhaps related to miss Hazel?" Mrs. Franck asked and Chase nodded, his eyes not moving from Hazel.

"Is that the cousin you and Jasper ran into? The crazy one?" whispered Alice, and all Hazel could do was nod as she glared at her cousin.

"I don't see why you shouldn't sit together! Please, take a seat across from Alice. Alice, would you be a dear and raise your hand?" Mrs. Franck looked over to Hazel and Alice who looked troubled.

Chase waved his hand a charming smile appeared on his face, "There's no need Mrs. Franck, I already found my cousin!" His smile only ceased when he took his given seat across from Alice and shot her a small glare, "Great. Another one of the pale-skins."

"If your gonna sit with us can you at least try to be nice? At least for school?" Hazel groaned and Chase rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I have no reason to like anyone like her."

Hazel sighed in response and she laid her head on the desk, "I hate this class already."

Alice nodded, patting Hazel on the back before glaring at Chase and pulling out her notebook to begin writing. "I don't see why you hate us so much, we're not even the same as the others."

"Whatever. I don't wanna hear it," Chase grunted and began writing in his own notebook.


Jasper froze the moment he saw Chase walk out of Hazel and Alice's classroom. It didn't take long for him to be noticed and Chase smirked, "Great didn't realize more of the damned were here. And it's the one that likes to play human. Pathetic..." He shoved his way past the stunned boy and marched down the hall.

Hazel and Alice rushed out the door and the two girls looked around feverishly only calming once they saw Jasper standing there quietly waiting for them, "J!" Gasped Hazel as she quickly made her way over to him, followed shortly by Alice. "Did Chase see you?"

"He did."

"What did he say?" Hazel asked her eyes searching his for any sign of discomfort.

"Nothing I couldn't handle Darlin', he won't try anything at school." Jasper smiled and hugged Hazel gently, "I doubt having him in your class was enjoyable."

Alice scoffed and rolled her eyes, all but confirming Jasper's statement, "It was awful. He's such a pain and a terrible conversationalist."

"Alice is a bit annoyed that every time she tried to talk to him he'd shrug her off and say he didn't want to associate with 'people like her'," Hazel sighed as the three began walking down the hall towards Hazel's next class.

"Was he raised to hate us or something?" Alice groaned as they made their way to Hazel's next class.

"My aunt... Has a rather negative view of the supernatural, unfortunately." Hazel sighed as she looked up at Jasper, "Be careful J, Chase isn't one to ignore something he doesn't like."

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