A ugly thing that man can't hide.Solemn and displeasing. It roars like a
dragonover the calm seas if the mind,
Diversions! The ground rumbles to the
road the very core starting to shake.
Displeasure sends tings down the spine.Rather few rationals are collected and compile.
Large gulps to ease oneself to calm the
itch that grows but seems unfound to scratch.
The flames risen high above the point of reason.
One must not go back,
Rather cannot go back as the next few
seconds unfold,
Tell of the coming visions to behold for
the few days to pass.
Laughter and the cries if pleasure are ceased
If by any means
One but be silent,
as the dragon which had roared had
been put to sleep.
The very reins of destruction at keep.
But for one it's too deep
As at last the fire dwindled to dim.
- Roux Alyssa