Affection Starved Kokichi x SHSL Dancer Reader One-shot: Dancing at a Distance

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Being with Kokichi Oma was a rather strange experience. You always had company yet after that moment, you feel lonely. You were happy but when looking back on your time together, it was sad. It was an almost surreal experience. Though he was a liar you had no doubt he cared about you and yet...

"Hey, Oma... care to dance with me?" You never knew you could get so many answers from that one simple question, but no matter how he phrased it, no matter how he 'danced' around the question, the sentiment was the same. No. You didn't want to be pushy, but any explanation would have been appreciated, even a fake one, or 'I just don't want to', but he never gave you anything to work with, it seemed he more so didn't answer at all. And so, you were left alone as he watched you from a short distance, just as he did all other times.

On one particularly nippy autumn night you found yourself unable to sleep. Perhaps it was your increasing worries about your relationship, perhaps it was the fact you had excess energy from sitting around all day hardly moving around, whatever the reason, you were still just laying in bed staring up at the ceiling... Maybe it was the fact that the world seemed to be dead silent. No rustling of the wind, not even the smallest moan or creek from the seemingly hollow dorm building. Just silent. The kind of silence that would allow one to hear their own gentle calm heartbeat.


After getting dressed in some loose clothing other than your pajamas, you took your boombox, small box of cassette tapes and left your room.

As the Super High School Dancer not many would assume you'd like the old bulky music equipment so much, but you did. You liked hearing the buttons and pieces inside make those satisfying click noises as you set up everything. Before Kokichi came crashing into your life, your main hobby was transferring new music onto cassette tapes. There was just something about... for lack of a better word, booming, sound of the old boombox. It was like the difference between listening to a recording of an orchestra and hearing one performed live before you. You can feel the music instead of just hearing it. Sure, you could use a modern boombox, but it wouldn't have the exact same sound or feel, it'd be a little off.

You trotted your way out to the field as to blast the music without disturbing anyone's sleep. You hummed feeling the slightly damp grass beneath your feet. Gently placing the boombox and box of cassettes down you quickly began set up. Now, what to play you wondered. Maybe something for quickstep since the fast-paced dance tired you out faster than most other forms. After placing the cassette in you quickly backed up from the boombox, ready to dance. You felt that joyous anticipation bubble up inside as the intro played... A-and played again? Maybe the intro was longer than you remembered... Okay, no, there was something wrong. Confused, you took out the tape. There didn't appear to be anything wrong with it, and you weren't entirely sure if this was a problem you could have with tapes. Perhaps something was wrong with the boombox? You decided to test this theory and placed another tape in... The intro was the same but a completely different song was played with the same instruments as the intended song. "You have got to be kidding me." That smile you tried repressing kept growing wider and wider as you placed in more tapes, finding each one had some silly quirk.

"Nishishi. Y/N, you came!" Suddenly you were tackled from behind, being hugged so tightly. You tried sighing in annoyance, but it came out more as a soft chuckle. "Where's my tapes?" "Hmm? What tapes?" "... Look we can play some other time, but right now I need my music to dance to so I can tire myself enough to get to sleep." "W-what? Sleep? Y/N how could you!?" He began crying those crocodile tears as he nuzzled his cheek against your own. "You show up to our super-secret meeting only to abandon me! How can you be so mean!?" You rolled your eyes at his theatrics. "... Okay, I'll bite. What's this secret meeting about?" You raised a hand up, gently running your fingers up his neck and through his hair. After a moment he flinched and quickly backed away. Turning around you saw he had a small pack on him. He must have been on his way to set up some prank before hearing his tapes being played. "Planning our crime spree tonight!" "No." "Whaaat? Y/N, I know you're new to D.I.C.E. so I'll let you off easy this time, but I'm the Boss, you have to at least listen to me." "I'm not a part of your gang, I'm your partner." "Yeah! My partner in crime, love crimes!" He looked absolutely giddy with sparkling eyes as he leaned in closer and closer, the tips of your noses touching. "... How would one even go about committing a 'love crime'?" "Oh, Y/N, being so cheeky, like you don't know." His eyes narrowed on you as he wore that sharp smirk. "You stole my heart; I stole yours. Now, I want to work with you. Let's go on a date, right now!" "Dude. It's one in the morning or something." "Yes, and..." "... Fine, hopefully this'll tire me out enough to get to sleep." Happily cheering Kokichi took the boombox and box of fake cassette tapes before bolting, leaving you to chase after him.

Affection Starved Kokichi x SHSL Dancer Reader One-shot: Dancing at a DistanceWhere stories live. Discover now