Chapter 2

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Soon he had you sweating. As the lesson came to a close, you collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily you were completely exhausted. The crowd began filtering out of the studio, but you remained on the floor. Your friends headed to the bathroom and you waited outside for them. You never really understood why girls went to the bathroom together. It was just a strange concept to you. As you were waiting for them, he came out. “That was some lesson, huh?” he said smiling, seeing the perspiration drying on your forehead. “Yeah, it was definitely exhausting.” “Well if it helps, you looked fantastic.” You blushed and looked at the floor. You were not used to such straight forwardness, it was kind of refreshing. “I never did catch your name.” “Oh yeah, my name’s Rudan. It’s nice to meet you.”

 He said reaching to shake your hand. “I’m sure I’m being completely straight forward but would you like to maybe grab some coffee or catch a movie with me sometime?” You blinked, completely surprised, was he asking you out? “Um sure that would be cool.” You managed to stutter out. He broke into a huge smile. “Ok. Cool. Want to meet up about this time tomorrow?” “Sure that’ll be fine.” He turned to leave but before he left he turned and winked at you. Immediately your face flushed red. You couldn’t believe it this gloriously sexy dance instructor was taking YOU out for coffee!

As you were lost in your thoughts, your friends finally exited the restroom. “Oh my god! Why did it take you guys so long?!” “Ok, ok. I’ll tell you but promise you won’t be mad.” Kris said. “Why? What did you do now?...oh ok fine I promise.” “Ok, so maybe, just maybe, we set this whole meeting up for you.” Ash said as both of them ran out of reach so that you couldn’t hit them. “I can’t believe you guys!” “We’re sorry but girl, you really need a guy. I see you glancing at me and Matias with jealousy. And besides, you can’t deny it he is smoking hot.” “Oh goodness, what am I going to do with you two?” They laughed as you guys headed back to the car.

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