It's okay, baby...

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I ran from the room, not bothering to grab my phone as I went. I was so close to tears, I thought I was gonna collapse right there in the hallway, but I managed to make it down the stairs, at the very least, before running smack into Oliver. Or so I thought Oliver.

Jordan picked me up off my knees, the worry lines knitting into his forehead quicker than usual. I stumbled and almost fell again, and he caught me.

"Whoa there, sunny. You arright?" he said quietly. I didn't feel like lying as I usually do, so I just threw myself into his arms and started bawling, the pain finally breaking me.

As I cried, I vaguely heard Jordan whisper, "Ssssshhhh, it's okay, baby..." I blushed fiercely, since when was I "baby" to him?

That thought just made me blush harder.

You (Dedicated to NarcissaAlexia)Where stories live. Discover now