Moment Together

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Things had been quite peaceful for a few days now if they exclude the invention and making phones process that's been going on.

It was a bright sunny winter, a few days until the outbreak war between the kingdom of science and the empire of might, pure white snow covered the whole village in a puffy white blanket, it was only a few minutes after the sunrise, but Yuurin had been awake for the morning, the reason being a missing presence in the hut, she and another person shared.

While it was a thing of normality for the village to wake up early, there's actually nothing scheduled to be done early today, probably because the head of the scientist decided to ran all of them exhausted with making the phones and he decided that it would be alright for letting them had a slow morning, the afternoon would be horrendous though.

Pulling her coat over her shoulder more, she walked the path out of the village, she got a feeling that she would find what she seeks in the forest.

Glancing around the snow-covered trees, she thought that he would definitely blend perfectly in these forests, what with his hair coloring and small stature, her hunt ended at the graveyard of the founders (or so they called it), her honey-gold orbs glanced around the place, before finally, ended up on the lone figure standing on top of the grave, his small yet boney figure seems to hold the weight of the world, no matter how much people tried to help, he's the sole one who holds the knowledge of the modern world in his brain.

"glorious morning, my exceptional Sky"

"morning, Yuu"

The dry look that shot her way and the exasperated sigh that escape his lip only cause joy to bubble up from her throat, while he had always complained the nickname, he never actually minded the endearment anymore, not after years of failing to stop her.

Finally, after reaching him, she took him hands in her and shoot a disapproving look at him.

"where's your glove? It was cold, my sky, what would we do if your hands got froze and fall off."

"it won't", he gives her another dry look but doesn't pull away as she creased his hands, her natural body heat, higher than usual heating his formerly cold skin.

Silence envelopes them in a comforting presence after that, she watches as his eyes gain a dazed look as if he's staring at something far away. While anyone else would say that he looked indifferent, she knew more than anybody else that there's something troubling him.

The perk of knowing him for years,

Resignation for constant presence.

Accepting and letting her past his wall.

All of them bundle up into this knowledge titled 'Ishigami Senku'



"How far would we go?"

"As far as the time we lost, as wide as the universe, as high as the unknown we would reach."

"You're being poetic again."

"Always", She flashed a grin at him as she patted his, now warm, hand.

The single quirk in his lip told thousands of meanings, it currently has shown his amusement at her act.

"Are you worried, my sky?"

"of course not, science will be victorious."

She hummed at the proclamation of self-confident, yet despite that, she could hear the uneasiness that's hidden beneath his steady tone.

Silent befalls both of them into their own world, seemingly out of world and time where the only one that existed are the two of them. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Senku squeezed her hands that's holding his back, his eyes wandered away from her figure as he took a deep breath.

"I'm glad you're here."

Yuurin gave a wonderful smile that practically screams her adoration on him as she clutched his hands' gesture back at him.

"and I'm overflowing with joy for every second I spent with you, my Sky."

"that's cheesy as hell." Senku groaned at her sheepish smile, knowing that she did it on purpose, she knows that he dislikes such a cheesy and illogical thing, but she keeps on exaggerating her words so much around him.

Unfortunately, just like how she has gotten used to his way, he has also gotten used to her way.

It's just such a Yuurin's way for her to be cheesy and poetics.

It just things about each other that they adore.   

Exceptional Sky in the Stone World [Dr.Stone]Where stories live. Discover now