Mini-Movie #1: Secrets of the Jeweler

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Nya and Jay raced through the skies on the back of Tsunami. They were almost to Ignacia, the mountains far behind them. Jay had to collect his things, for they had been holding it off long enough because of his injuries. Skylor had insisted on taking him, not quite ready to let him out of her sight. Especially not to go back to where he was kidnapped. 

But Mystake had insisted that she let him go with another kunoichi, as holding on so tightly was not healthy. Nya had jumped at the opportunity, earning a glare from the red-head. 

The teisatsu had spent the least amount of time with Jay, so she was eager to finally get to know him. Their first meeting hadn't exactly been the way she imagined it, but even with all the cuts and muck and the fact that he was unconscious, Nya still though he was handsome. 

Of course, Skylor would kill her if she found out. Nya looked back at Jay to was strapped to Tsunami behind her. He shivered and pulled his cloak around himself tighter. Nya felt a pang of sympathy for him before her expression developed into a smirk. 

"Hey, Jay," she called, "wanna come up 'ere? The view's better and it's warmer."

Jay bit his lip in thought--something Nya found undeniably cute--before nodding and crawling up to sit with her. She scooted back so he could sit in her lap, keeping both of them warm as they flew through the sky. 

Jay looked over the side and smiled. "You were right. The view is better." Nya stiffened as he leaned back against her, giving her a better line of sight. "And it's warmer."

Nya smiled, her cheeks burning as she kept her gaze ahead. It had been a cold week, surprising for the early Autumn weather. When she spotted the rice fields through the clouds, she flew her dragon closer to the ground. The teisatsu pulled Tsunami into a dive before pulling up sharply just above the ground, scaring a few of the farmers. 

Jay shook his head but couldn't contain the smile on his face. "Grow up,"

Tsunami landed in the yard of the weapons-smith shop and Nya helped Jay dismount. "Thank you again for the help." Jay said, taking an empty back off the dragon's back. "As much as the robes at the Monastery are comfortable, I need something not as heavy."

Nya nodded in understanding, taking a look at the robes Jay was currently dressed in. Blue was a good colour on him, even if he didn't wear it often. "Need any help?"

"No, I've got it. I might need help strapping the bags to Tsunami, though." Jay took off, disappearing inside the shop. 

"Oh, okay..." Nya said, although Jay was already gone. She sat back down in the saddle, playing with the reigns. 

Jay looked around the store. It had been over a month since he had last been here. Everything was covered with a good layer of dust, unfinished weapons and jewelry lying around. He quickly filled up a bag with clothes before switching it out for another empty pack. Jay looked out the window, seeing Nya facing away from him. He turned to the anvil near the forge and grabbed onto it firmly. 

He twisted it ninety degrees and watched as the forge spun around, revealing an impressive amount of weapons. Jay looked up and down the wall before deciding on the basics. His father's sai and katana, his mother's nunchaku and kusari-gama. Jay grabbed a few other weapons before looking at the pile of armor underneath the wall. 

Metal armor always made him feel strange and in never seemed to clasp on properly so he decided on the leather armor and a few metal pieces. Jay looked at the box of bracers that belonged to his mother and paused. Taking out a pair of plain brown leather ones, he put them on, placing the rest of the box in the pack. 

"Hello, little boy." A voice greeted. "We've been expecting you."

Jay turned, coming face-to-face with a Skulkin warrior. He stepped back as more stepped out of their hiding places. He recognized one of them as Wyplash, the lieutenant who was put in charge of keeping guard over him back in the Underworld. 

He took up a defensive stance, his eyes flitting between each warrior. "May I remind you that this is private property and that trespassing is against Ninjago Law, paragraph thirteen, section two."

The Skulkin paused, looking to each other in confusion. Jay surprised them with an attack, taking down one. He pulled into a roll, pushing to his feet. He twisted the anvil once more, trapping one skeleton behind the wall. 

Jay ducked under a sword, throwing the kusari-gama at a skeleton's head. The blade was lodged into a shelf behind the warrior. Jay tugged, watching as the bookshelf displaying the samurai helmets toppled over and crushed the skeleton. 

Jay let out a little laugh, barely having enough time to duck as four spears were thrown his way. They lodged themselves in the wall, limiting his movements between the wooden shafts. A Skulkin charged at him. Jay grabbed a helmet, shoving it down over the exposed skull and kicking the skeleton away from him. 

The Skulkin beneath the bookshelf finally pushed the object of themselves, standing up and grabbing a discarded spear. Jay looked between the three remaining skeletons before his eyes landed on something else. 

Running up the stairs to the loft, he pushed off soaring over their heads and to the other end of the room where he wasn't cornered. He stumbled as a jolt of pain shot through his ankle, but remained standing. Removing the gold gong that hung on the wall, he held it in front of him as a shield. Wyplash swung with her sword, the blade hitting the gong and creating an ear-ringing sound that could no doubt be heard in Scarleton.

Nya shot up at the sound. Quickly turning into her spinjitzu she rushed to the weapons shop, only to be stopped by Jay closing and locking the door. She lowered her spear, taking note of his messy hair and robes. 

"Jay, you're a'right. Thank tha' First Spinjitzu Master, Skylor would kill me. What was that sound?" She asked quickly. Jay shrugged and smirked. He loaded the last bag onto Tsunami and climbed onto his back. 

"Oh, nothing, just knocked over some displays."

There, our first real taste of Jaya. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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