(Jake and Logan)

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(Jake and Logan)
Jake learns the truth
Warning:lots of Fluff
Jakes POV
I feel like there's a huge sword in my back that's permanently stuck there forever you're wondering why? I caught my girlfriend Maddy now ex making out with the closest person in my life the one person who I love most in the world! If you haven't guessed who it is yet it's my older brother Logan! It broke my heart when I saw him making out with my girlfriend
Flashback (Jakes POV)
I walk in the Maverick house after getting off the phone with my manager about business shit I came over to be on the podcast with my brother to talk about my upcoming fight and new music suddenly when I walked into the kitchen I saw something that completely broke my entire heart into a million piece! I saw my own brother making out with my girlfriend Maddy! "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!! LOGAN ALEXANDER PAUL!!! MADDY!!!" They stop making out and look at me Maddy looked confused while Logan just stared at me with huge eyes "Jake please let me explain! I'm so sorry she forced me to!!!" Logan says coming towards me with Maddy behind him smirking I couldn't say anything "I CANT BELIEVE YOU LOGAN!!! I TRUSTED YOU MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD BUT I GUESS I WAS WRONG!!! FUCK YOU LOGAN!!! BTW MADDY WE ARE OVER!!!" I just ran out of Logan's house with tears coming down my eyes and I get back into my car and leave. 
End of flashback
Jakes POV
Ever since yesterday I haven't spoken to Logan at all I've just kept my distance from him even if he tries to call or text me I ignore him completely now I have to admit I do miss Logan a lot but I just can't believe he would go make out with my girlfriend! Then I hear a soft knock on my door "go away now I wanna be alone!" I yell loud enough for the person to hear me "J-Jakey? It's me Logan please let me explain everything?" Logan says softly it sounds he's crying too based on the tone of his voice "LEAVE LOGAN NOW I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!!" He tries to open my door struggling with opening but It's locked I can hear him on the other side sitting down in front of my door "Jake you don't have to say anything just please let me explain everything" he says practical begging me to "please Jake I don't wanna lose you! You're my brother and best friend!" Logan says crying loudly I thought for a moment then answered him "Fine Logan" I say agreeing to hear him explain to me everything. "She forced me into dating her while she was dating you and I didn't want to at all but she threatened me badly by abusing me a lot and saying that she'll do anything to separate me and you if I didn't listen to her she would hurt me physical When team Maverick found out I made them not tell you because I didn't want you getting hurt! IM SO SORRY JAKEY! IM THE WORST BROTHER EVER YOU DESERVE A BETTER ONE!" Logan cried into his legs after explaining everything I couldn't believe what I just heard from Logan he was just protecting me from her by letting himself get hurt! I'm so stupid for yelling at Logan yesterday! "I'll just leave now I understand if you hate me forever and don't want anything to do with me I'll just go Jake" Logan stands up about to leave oh shit! I quickly open my door "Wait Logan!" I hear him ask "What?" I grab his hand dragging him back into my room.
Logans POV
he drags us over to his bed then made us sit down I make him let go of my hand I'm confused as to why he did that? "Logan I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday I should've just let you explain everything instead of yelling at you!" we both just stare at each other with watery eyes "I don't want a different brother I want you! Your the best brother ever! I love you so much" I smiled softly  before I could say anything he hugs me tightly while crying into my chest I wrap my arms around him tightly not wanting to let go of each other I lay my head softly on his hair with tears "please don't leave me logey!!" I just run my fingers through his hair calming him down "I'm not leaving jakey I'm right here" I try to pull out of the hug but that just caused Jake to grip on my shirt tight "Logey can you please stay here tonight?" I nodded softly laying both of us down on his bed.
Narrators POV
eventually they both fall asleep in Jakes bed while still holding each other in the other persons arms they both were so happy to be hugging each other and they weren't losing the other one either!
Hope you guys enjoyed this story!
Would you guys like a one shot of maybe instead of Logan taking care of child Jake the roles switch to Jake taking care of child Logan? 🤔

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