C H A P T E R 2

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Jennie| without me.

"jennie, are you okay?"

I heard chaeyoung ask me as i felt her stand next to me.

crossing my arms while leaning against the door, i looked at ji eun who's holding lisa's hand while sitting on the side of her bed. I shook my head as i smiled sadly.

am i alright? honestly, no.

seeing that someone else is taking care of her, breaks my heart so much.

I should be the one who's doing that to her, but ji eun is the one who's next to her.

It fucking hurts.

"How to be okay, chaeyoung?"

I took a deep breath before turning around to sit outside next to lisa's bedroom door.

"are you afraid?" she asked.

"Are you afraid that one day, you will no longer be the person she will love but her?"

my chest tightened because of the question that could possibly happen.

I did nothing but to hurt lisa.

but ji eun, when i was hurting lisa, she was there to comfort her.

She is the one who's there every time she cries.

She is the one who she leans on every time we fight.

She was there to listen to her.

She is the one who makes her smile and make her happy whenever she is sad.

I'm the one who hurts Lisa, but she's the one who makes her laugh.

fuck. why did i make a mistake?

i should be the one doing that.

I should be the one making her happy.

I should be the cause of her smiles.

I should be the reason why she is happy.

so will i be afraid when the day comes when i wake up, she no longer feels something for me because she's already inlove with her?

Ofcourse, i will be scared.

I will be hurt.

and i will regret it for the rest of my life.

I am afraid that she might choose the person who did nothing but to understand and love her.

I'm afraid she might choose the person who is more deserving for her.

Because i know, that i am not deserving of lisa's love for me.

because i did nothing but to hurt her.

To hurt the person who is important to me.

And to hurt the person who did nothing but to love me.

"I'm scared, chaeng. That maybe one day, it will happen." i stated.

I look down at my hands that is resting on my legs and i gulp while fiddling my fingers.

"but who am i to stop her from loving someone else? she deserves to be love. and i know even if it hurts, i know ji eun will give and show the love i didn't give her."

I heard chaeyoung sigh. I slowly raised my head and stiffened when i saw her standing in front of me. "I hate to admit this, but i know that lisa will still choose you even if the person who is more worthy of her is already in front of her."

as she looked down at me, she continued. "Even though ji eun is more deserving, you are still the person lisa loves."

I looked away and i gulp, preventing my tears from scrolling on my cheeks. "After all i have done?"

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