chapter 1 💙

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"Good work on the case everyone. Get started on your reports and then have a good weekend." Hotch said as the team walked back in from a case.

This is your third year at the BAU and this last case was one of the worst you'd seen. It took almost an entire week to catch the unsub and luckily you saved his latest victims just in time. This unsub was smart and experienced which is why it took so long, he knew how to cover his tracks. However the team took every route they had to in order to out smart him. You were tired and you were ready for a weekend at home catching up on sleep.

You made your way to your desk and sat down in your chair, the rest of the team did the same. You got half way through your report before anyone spoke.

"So drinks after we leave right?" Morgan finally broke the silence.

"Are you kidding? Of course" Emily laughed.

"I'll go for one. I have to get home to my boys though." JJ said.

"I need a few after this case. I'll grab Garcia. What about you princess? You in?" Morgan asked you.

"You know I'd love to but I'm just so damn tired. I need my sleep. Rain check?" You laughed.

"I'll hold you to that baby" Morgan winked at you "What about you kid?"

"I don't know, I'm kind of tired too" Spencer spoke.

"Come on you might meet a pretty lady for once" Morgan laughed.

"Okay okay I'll go, but only a few minutes. Y/N are you sure you don't want to come?" Spencer asked.

"I am positive. I'll go next time" you smiled.

Spencer was one of your best friends on the team....but there was more to it, at least for you. Spencer was different than most guys. He was sweet and caring. He was a handsome but a different type of handsome. You see, Derek Morgan type handsome is strong and fast. He's muscular and quick on his feet. He's also a sweet talker and has a way with the ladies. Spencer Reid handsome was different. Spencer was tall and skinny. He has messy curly hair. He's smart, abnormally smart, but it was sexy. He was innocent. He was shy. He didn't know how to talk to girls with out getting flustered. He was incredibly blind to how hot he truly was. You knew that if he just opened himself up a little bit he'd have more girls on him than Derek, but he wouldn't open up.

You pushed your true feelings for him down and never let yourself truly feel anything for him. You didn't want to risk your job or your friendship with Spencer. Your feelings weren't just some little crush, you genuinely were in love with this man.

As he spoke to you, you got lost in his eyes. When you saw his face you couldn't concentrate on anything but his lips. How can this man not know how incredibly sexy he is? Look in a damn mirror Spencer.

"Y/N? Are you listening?" Spencer said.

"Huh?" You said snapping out of it.

"Are you okay? You're doing that thing again." He said.

"What thing?" You nervously laughed.

"What thing?" Emily laughed

You shot her a look and she silently laughed to herself. You tried to deny your feelings for Spencer to yourself and everyone else but you absolutely sucked at it. They all knew...well everyone but Spencer. He was oblivious to how he made you melt.

"Am I missing something? Does everyone know what you're doing and I'm just left out here?" Spencer laughed.

"I just spaced out Spence, what were you saying?" You asked.

SECRETLY IN LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now