Free and Fearless

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Jisoo comes back home and receives a message from Seulgi

Have you finished packing? I am so exciteddddd

I am on it

I finished packing as soon as I came home. Come soon tomorrow. We'll sit together in the bus

Okay. See you tomorrow

Jisoo puts her phone down and starts packing. She takes her mini suitcase out

"Hope it'll be a good day tomorrow," she says to herself as she finishes her packing

It's 11 and Jisoo isn't the least bit sleepy. She looks outside and the moon is shining bright. She decides to take a stroll. She puts on her kimono in case it gets cold and lets her hair down and goes outside

The neighbourhood is safe, full of security. Pretty much everyone knows each other  here. The street is quiet and Jisoo is the only one out. She likes the quietness of the place. It puts her mind at ease. She takes her headphones out and puts them on

Jisoo feels each and every lyrics and moves to the music in the middle of the street. She has never felt so free and fearless. She closes her eyes and feels the wind which is blowly against her cheeks. She tucks her hair behind her ears but the wind blows them to her face again. Jisoo finds it funny and laughs out loud. She starts walking again and the music keeps playing

Suddenly she sees someone standing below the streetlight, a guy

She can't see his face but he has his hands in his pocket, he is wearing a black hoodie and this makes it even harder to recognize his face. He is watching Jisoo move to the music from far and as soon as Jisoo see him, she stops moving

"It's-" Jisoo says to herself as she looks around

She has walked a long way and she didn't even realize it. She is standing in front of Taehyung's house and the man looking at her intently is Taehyung

Jisoo turns the music off and pulls her headphone out

Taehyung walks towards her

"Didn't expect to see you here" he says

Jisoo sees that he is limping while walking

"I just came out for a walk. What happened to you?" she asks

Taehyung stands in front of her. The hoodie makes him look mysterious, Jisoo looks at him and sees that he has a bandaid on his forehead too

"Are you fine?" she asks again

"Yeah, what about you?" he asks

"What is going to happen to me?" Jisoo asks

"Nothing. Just asking. Want to walk together?" he asks

"Umm, no, actually I should go back home" Jisoo replies

"Can I accompany you?" he asks

"If you don't mind walking slowly because I won't be able to catch up if you keep dancing like you were doing just now," Taehyung says and looks at his legs

Jisoo gets embarrassed all of a sudden

"I don't think that you should walk with that leg," she says

Taehyung expected this but still, he feels disappointed. Jisoo doesn't want to spend any time with him and he knows why. It is all his fault. He doesn't say anything and turns back and starts walking towards his house

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