Три мечты

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Three dreams

I looked around... There wasn't a soul around. It was hot, and the sun was blazing down mercilessly. And there was sand everywhere... a Light wind picked up small grains of sand from the ground and mercilessly threw them in its streams in my face, slightly scratching and forcing me to turn away. Desert... What else can I say? The environment becomes clearer. Mountains in the distance, blue sky, small bushes. Not far from me are several semi-abandoned buildings that look like a farm or warehouse... Lifeless gray, silent and inhospitable, these buildings seem to be the skeleton of a man's past life in this desert. But then, there are human figures that are moving in my direction. Now I notice that several military trucks and a bus were parked next to the buildings.

But who are they? Three or four of them? I try to understand as I stare out at the desert, drowning in the light of day and brightness. No, there are four of them. But why are they coming to me? Is this good or bad? Maybe I should have turned around and run a long time ago! The situation is not clear, and the place looks very hostile... But why am I still standing there? It is necessary to solve! Quickly...

But before I could finish my thought, they came up and the tallest of them started talking.

-Alex, there you are! We lost you...

-Do I know you? - I asked.

Now I had a moment to examine them more closely. Tall, mustachioed, blonde, and ... none? There was nothing in his appearance at all, like a man without a face.

- Well, you're a prankster! Let's go! There's no time to lose before they show up!

- Where to? Who?

- Alex, come on! – echoed the blonde with the shotgun in his hands. With that, they turned around and walked back to the cars. I froze for a second.

- Well, are you coming? - the tall man asked, turning.

- Yeah, - I said, and I don't know why I followed them

Now I was able to get a better look at these buildings, indeed this architectural ensemble resembled a large abandoned farm, consisting of several one-story houses, a water tower, windmills, iron hangars and a half-collapsed fence around the perimeter...

There is an expression-a Ghost town, so it was-a Ghost farm.

On the territory near the houses, as I noticed earlier, there were three military trucks and two passenger buses, and more people were standing and walking around them... They all seemed to be waiting for me.

- Here is he! Finally! - someone shouted as we got closer and stopped.

I wanted to say Hello.

- What is there? Did you find out? - middle-aged woman rushed to me with a question.

- There?... It's all right, - I said, a little confused. She didn't seem satisfied with the answer, but the tall one grabbed me by the jacket, and I noticed for the first time that I was wearing a black leather jacket, and dragged me forward to the truck.

The tall one walked up to one of the trucks, jumped on the running Board and became taller and began to talk:

- Everyone, we're going according to plan! Break up! Inspect all the rooms, all the corners we are waiting for a long road, everything can be useful!

As soon as he finished, everyone began to disperse in the direction of the buildings. A short girl walked past me, giving me a rough shove with her shoulder, so hard that I almost fell. I looked around, and a dozen people were scurrying around the abandoned buildings like forest ants. Meanwhile, the tall one came down from his makeshift pedestal-the podium, and coming closer to me, said:

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