Chapter Fifteen

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Here’s what you’re waiting for; I hope you’ll like it as much as you liked the previous chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter Fifteen:

Kagami bit the footlong he made as he waited for Kuroko to start the story he’ll tell. The latter is still painstakingly eating the stew he made, so he’ll recover faster.

“I apologize for the trouble I brought you, Kagami-kun.” The blue-head mumbled.

“That’s already the tenth time you’ve said that to me, Kuroko and this will also be the tenth time I’ll say: ‘It’s alright. It was just luck I was passing by that time’.”Kagami grunted and took another big bite from his hotdog sandwich.

Kuroko took the last spoonful of his stew and took a deep breath before thinking how to start.

“Ready to start, Kuroko?” Kagami asked. The red-head suddenly felt his heart sink with sadness upon seeing how painful Kuroko’s expression is. Like it’s so hard for him to say what he’s going to tell out loud.

“In the middle of my 2nd year in middle school, I have a very close friend of mine named Rio Natsuhiko. He’s a very cheerful person and one of the people who can truly understands me. He’s been my best friend since we started our 2nd year life. But between October to November…an unbearable and indescribable incident happened to both of us. Something we –I especially—will never forget.” Kuroko started with a voice Kagami can barely hear.

“What accident was that?” Kagami blurted out.

His shadow raised his head and looked back at him with painful eyes. The next words Kuroko mumbled made Kagami freeze. “I was the cause of Rio’s death. And I lost my ability to trust people and to even talk to strangers. Supposedly, I’m pushing you away right now.”


Kuroko took a deep breath. “I think it was October 15 when that happened…I was left with the other regulars for training and Rio waited for me so we could go back home together. I excused myself for the members of Generation of Miracles’ plans for that night. Since the usual path we use was closed due to construction matters, we were forced to use the other route, which was the start of my dark past…”

(AUTHOR: I will just use flashback to portray what really happened in his second year in middle school. When I used both ‘bold’ and ‘italic’; it means those scenes were flashbacks.)

“Tetsu! Here!”

Kuroko looked where his light was and quickly changed the direction of where the ball is heading. Aomine received it and quickly ran to the opposite court and shoot it in the hoop.

“That’s all for today!” Akashi shouted, also panting.

“Good work, everyone!” They praised to one another.

“Ryouta, Shintarou and Daiki, you’re in duty for today to fix the equipments and pick up the balls. Be sure there will be 50 balls in the basket, you three.” Akashi ordered, took the towel on top of his sports bag and wiped his sweat. His eyes saw a glimpse of indigo-colored outside the gym’s door. “Tetsuya, Rio Natsuhiko’s already outside.”  He informed.

The teal-haired teen bowed a ‘thank you’ to his captain; grabbed his uniform and ran towards the locker room to change.

After about 8 minutes, Kuroko went out of the locker room, took his bag and faced his captain. “I’ll excuse myself now, Akashi-kun.” He bade.

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