Chapter 14: fourth year

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"Are you all right, Sirius?" asked Violet tentatively, after a while.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just that—gosh, I have the most pathetic and idiotic family! I'm ashamed of them all—well, except for Andromeda. At least she doesn't believe in that pure-blooded crap like the rest of my miserable family." He ended with a bitter tone of voice.

"Er—I think it's time for Quidditch practice, Sirius," said James, hoping to cheer up his best friend a bit. "I tell you; we'll be the death of Wood if we don't hurry."

"Oh, yeah, right." Sirius hurried off after James, still grumbling about his brother and his house-elf.

"Sad kid," said Jennifer, shaking her head.

"He does have a bad family," admitted Remus. "I mean, they do believe that the Muggle-borns should go back to 'their own world' and that the purebloods run the wizarding world—like how it used to be." He glanced sideways at Lily.

"Well, you can't blame them for thinking that," said Lily, shrugging. "I mean, some people just don't think that people like me should belong in their world. I'm fine with that."

"The Blacks have always been pure-blooded, like the Malfoys, Lestranges...most of the Slytherins. They have a really long ancient history, even longer than Malfoy, though not as long as the Potters' ancestry. That's why Mrs. Black isn't too fond of Mr. and Mrs. Potter and their family...she was completely against having James over the summer." Remus sighed sadly. "She doesn't accept people like me, either, since I'm a—you know."

Jennifer glared angrily. "I can't believe them! No wonder why Sirius hates the lot."

Violet smiled sadly. "Well, I'm happy that my mother isn't as terrible as most Slytherins. She was deeply upset when she wasn't in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor—that's where most of my family's from—but she was euphoric when I got into Gryffindor. Poor Mum...she's always suffering taunts from the Ministry. Dad's always telling people off, maybe that's why he's not too popular."

"I like your dad," said Lily, remembering smiling Mrs. Walker and enthusiastic Mr. Walker when they both hugged Violet at King's Cross last year.

"He's really jolly," agreed Jennifer, nodding. "Unlike my parents, they're a bit of a joke, especially my mum. Never really liked magic, her. Don't know why Dad married her...I s'pose it was just fate."

"Your dad's nice," offered Arabella, trying to cheer her friend up.

"I guess." Jennifer shrugged.

"Enough about families," said Remus briskly. "How about a game of chess in the common room?"

Everyone shrugged. "Sure."

While Remus and Arabella battled each other in chess with Remus and Violet watching, Lily stared with her green orbs outside to the Quidditch field, where the Gryffindor team was practicing.

Sirius was having a jolly time of his own, whamming the Bludger across the field at unexpected teammates. Lily smiled. She also saw James but scoffed at him while he shot the Quaffle past the Keeper many times.

Unfortunately, the window was open, and Lily, before she could stop himself, called out, "Hey Potter, how about passing the Quaffle for once?"

Realizing her mistake, Lily clapped her hands to her mouth, horrified, while the rest of her friends sniggered.

"Good one, Lils," said Arabella, trying to stifle her laugh.

James was startled at Lily's voice and looked around to see her peering at him from Gryffindor Tower. He grinned.

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearWhere stories live. Discover now