Divisione Folgore

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We gathered in the clubroom to pick out the students who signed up for the club.

"We need 16 crew members in total, but I recommend getting some reserves." Erwin suggested.

"How many people signed up?" I asked Carlo.

"32 students. Most of them have poor grades, though..." he responded.

The decision was pretty easy. "That's fine. We only need them to be good with their hands, so pick out the students with the worst grades so that they get a second chance in life. However, please pick out good radio operators. We will recruit 20 students."

We picked the new crew members and met up after school at the clubroom. Once we arrived, I spotted a piece of paper on the table and read it aloud.

"We received a special 'package'. We have transported it to your team's warehouse, which is located west of ours. Sincerely, Anzai Chiyomi." I wonder what the package is?

"I wonder what the package is?" Alex repeated what was in everyone's minds.

"It must be pasta!" Except for Josip's mind. But seriously, shut up with pasta. It was funny the first time, but it's annoying now.

We all then headed to the warehouse to see what this is all about. We opened the gates, and we were absolutely astounded with what we saw!

"Our tanks have arrived?! They were supposed to be here in a week from now!" Erwin shouted in confusion.

"What a stroke of good luck! The tanks are here the same day as our recruits enter the team!" Alex exclaimed.

It really is amazing! Confusing, but no-one cared about that. We ran to all the tanks and started celebrating. But we would all have to chill out and do what we intended to do.

I got on top of the P.26/40 and spoke to everyone.

"Everyone! These are our weapons of war! With these tanks we will surely annihilate every enemy we face!" Everyone started cheering with joy and confidence. "However, we can't do that without you! We will have to organise to see who goes in what tank. I'll be your leader, and the commander/gunner of our flag tank, the P.26/40 which is what I'm standing on right now. Erwin, you command the Sahariano. Alex, you command the BT-5. Carlo, the Semovente. Josip, you'll... be my loader."

"Oh, I like that, comrade!" Of course you do, Josip. You'll be close to me at all times in a risk free position so that you don't mess up.

I continued my orders. "I need two students with decent academic grades to become radio operators. The rest of you will be picked and assigned positions by the tank commanders. There will be four of you who will be trained in a general fashion and act as reserve manpower to switch with others. But before that, is there anyone who'll volunteer for the tankette?" I saw two hands raise. "Discuss between you two who will do what in it. Alright, get to it!"

I picked out a good radio operator and a driver. Everyone picked their crews for the tanks. Time to meet the commander of the CV.33!

"So, which one of you is the commander/gunner?" I asked them.

"I am, com-commander!" A fairly nervous boy replied. He is dark skinned and has blue eyes and brown hair. That's a strange combination...

"What's your name and where are you from?"

He seemed to be filled with pride after that question. "My name is Alain Vandamme. I come from the ex-Belgian Congo, and I've got both Germanic and Bantu ancestry, which is probably why I look this way!" Awesome, another international person!

"Welcome to the team, Alain! And please call me Maximus." I told him.

"Uhm, yes Maximus!" He replied.

I walked out and headed to my dorm, but I was intercepted along the way by a green-haired girl.

"So, what do you think of the surprise?" She asked.

I couldn't be more enthusiastic. "Amazing! Thank you! How did you do that?! The tanks were scheduled to arrive next week!" I exclaimed.

"Just got in touch with your supplier who I know well and pressured them to prioritize your tanks. It wasn't much." It wasn't much?! Are you mad?!

"We are absolutely excited! Thank you so much! You really are amazing! I love yo- *cough* I mean, you've been really helpful for us all! How could I ever repay you?!" Jesus, my overenthusiasm nearly made me say something pretty embarrassing.

"Aaawww... That's nice of you, but it really isn't much. Well, if you really feel like paying me back, how about having your team's first tank match be against mine?" She suggested something amazing. That is surely a lot more fun than a fun fair or something! Welp, time to prepare!

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