Chapter - X

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I love you not only for what you are,
But for what I am when I am with you.
( - Roy Croft )

Sidharth And His Naaz.....

The whole day I wait for him hoping he came early today but he didn't. I am mad at him right now, why didn't come, Is he going to ditch me. Last two days I didn't get any sleep.

A few minutes back he texted me that he's coming home in 20 minutes that text gave me so much happiness. But I also mad at him too.

I took a shower and changed into new clothes I don't know why I am doing this but I am happy and blush to remember after maa's words when she said in my ear on the airport during hugging.

"Best of luck bachha. And I feel really happy to became daadi soon," .... recalling those words make me blush harder.

I heard the door open I can smell his cologne. He hugs me from behind and said,

"God, Naaz I missed you so much what have you done to me,"...

I turned and hug him tightly. And he does the same kissing my forehead and then neck.

"Be ready Naaz we are going for a date," ... He said and left to the bathroom making me feel really happy.

I got ready, what Niya buy for me when we went to the mall another day for my date. As she told me that.

He changed first and left to downstairs.

After getting ready I went to him where he is sitting. I saw him getting up hearing my heels. He saw me and I saw his eyes. I saw that need or what should I say lust. He came to me and hugged me nuzzling his nose in my neck telling me how beautiful I am looking.

He takes my hand we went to the car, he helped me to take the passenger side.

After reaching on destination he blindfolds me and said, just wait.

He took me somewhere. And open the blindfold. After clearing the haziness I saw the view. And that view shocked me.


After everything went done I check everything twice. This is the first time I am doing this much for someone. Someone that I love.

Before reaching I texted her. When I reach home. I asked kaka about her and he told that she's in her room.

When I entered the room she was standing in front of the mirror. I hugged her from behind and she hissed. She is looking so ravishing in those wet hair. Did she just take a shower? Did she do that for me?
Thinking all that I said,

"I missed you Naaz," ... She turns and hugged me tightly.

I kiss her forehead and nuzzle her neck smelling her fresh body wash and gave her a wet kiss then tell her to be ready for tonight's date. I saw her eyes she like it's when I say that I know does miss me lias do.

I got ready first and went to the living room waiting for him. After 20 minutes I heard her heels. I stand and saw her.

"Damm ... Got," ... I thought.

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