Sensory Overload

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Might as well start with the best cliche!


Peter was not having a good day. It started with him being late to school. He broke yet another alarm and forgot to replace it and may had an early shift at work and forgot to wake Peter. He woke up around 8 and he only had 20 minutes to get to school.

So he hurried and got dresses and ran to school knowing the subway would take too long. He ended up missing half of homeroom. 

Then, Ned and MJ weren't at school. Ned had a doctors appointment and MJ's dad had taken her with him to canada. Flash decided that since Peter was alone that he could bully him and pick with him all he wanted. 

Peter didn't fight back when he beat him up afterschool. He just waited for his healing to kick in, got up and made his way to the tower. Didn't help that he had to walk all the way from midtown to manhattan.

There were new security guards at the tower and they wouldn't let them in until Friday threatened them, 20 minutes later. He still had hope for this day though. It could always gt better, right?

"Friday where's Mr.Stark?" Peter asked setting down his bookbag. "Boss is in a meeting." Friday said. "Oh." Peter sighed. He slumped on the couch. "The other Avengers are training and have offered for you to join them." Friday supplied

Peter smiled and rushed to the elevator. "Tell them I'm coming."

When he got to the gym the avengers were either congregating, messing with their powers, or sparring. He saw Strange and Vision helping Wanda. Sam Bucky and Steve were messing aound with Steve's Shield, Buckys Arm, and Sam's redwing.

 Clint was shooting arrows at Scott as he srunk and grew to dodge them. And Natasha and Bruce were sitting to the side having a casual conversation. Peter walked over to them. "Hi Nat, Hi Bruce." He greeted.

Bruce smiled warmly at the kid happy he would finally call him something other than Dr.Banner. Natasha did the same giving him a warm greeting. "Wanna spar маленький паук?" Natasha asked. Peter nodded excitedly.

He's been praticing with Nat for weeks and he could never beat her. Either she wins or they tie. They got into a fighting stance on the mat by the window. "Ready?" Nat asked. Peter nodded. "Go." She said. Neither of them made the first move.

They circled eachother like a lion circling its prey, except in this case they were both lions. Natasha lunged at Peter first with a punch, which peter caught. Then she kicked his side. They continued back and forth like this dodging, punching, and kicking until Natasha got peter in a chokehold.

Peter was trying to figure a way out until suddenly her arm started to feel like needles on his skin. He groaned. "Not today." He whispered. Natasha heard him and looked at him confused. Suddenly the lights were too bright, the AC felt like 100 mph wind, and he could hear the receptionist whispering about her boyfriend like she was screaming.

He cried out in Pain and Natasha immediately let go. Everyone rushed over. "Natasha what did you do?" Bucky asked. "I didn't do anything!" Natasha said. Peter could still feel where her arm was around his throat and he started crying and having a panic attack.

Panic Attack + sensory overloads are never good. Steve noticed he was having a panic attack. "Buddy." Steve tried to grab his arm but that only made Peter freak out more. Peter had his hands over his ears and his eyes closed and he was barely breathing and he was crying.

He didn't want to be crying because his tears burned. "Uh...uh.....F-friday Call Tony!" Strange said. The avengers didn't know how to help him but they were all quiet since they noticed he was covering his ears.

Peter wimpered as he could hear tony's mega loud footsteps approaching. "What happened?" He asked. "I don't know. We were sparing and then he freaked out. And then he started having a panic attack and we don't know what to do." Natasha said. 

Tony lowered his voice. "Peter, Buddy I need you to talk to me." Tony said. Peter just whimpered and kept shaking and shook his head no. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." Tony said. Peter gasped for air and tried to calm himself down enough to talk to tony.

"...S-s-sensor-y o-overload." Peter said. "Shit." Tony muttered. "Friday initiate P-S-O protocol." Tony whispered. Immediately Friday darkened the windows and made every room in the penthouse soundproof.

 "Can I touch you?" Tony asked. Peter nodded slightly. Tony softly grabbed his hand and put it on his chest. "Follow my breathing Pete." Peter and Tony sat on the floor as everyone else watched in silence. Nobody talked again until Peter started breathing straight.

"What was that bud?" Steve asked. "Well basically since my senses are dialed up to like 11 all the time there are some rare occasions where they dial up to 22 and it causes me to have a sensory overload. Then on even rare-er occasions I have a panic Attack too, like today." Peter explained.

"What caused the Panic Attack?" Tony asked. He mumbled something. "A little louder Pete." Bruce said. "When Natasha put me in a light chokehold the sensory overload had started and even though she immediately let go I could still feel where her arm was and it was suffocating and it freaked me out." He mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear.

Natasha's eyes widened. "So it was my fault?" She asked. "No I would've had a sensory overload either way and all of my senses, including touch, become super duper sensitive to everything. Even my tears were hurting and there's no way you would've known so its definetlynot your fault." Peter tried

Natasha nodded only prtially convinced. "So, since training is definetly over how about we get some icecream?" Vision suggested. "I'm down." Clint said. Everyone else agreed and they spent the rest of the day eating icecream and watching TV.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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