There's Magic in Hogsmeade

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There’s Magic in Hogsmeade



            Harry Styles (Gryffindor) was your usual Hogwarts student, he had two best friends: Niall Horan (Hufflepuff) and Zayn Malik (Slytherin), who he would do anything for. The only weird thing about him was that he was in year six and has never gone to Hogsmeade, not because he didn’t have his permission slip signed, he just had feelings not to go but that was all about to change. (LouisxHarry and ZaynxLiam)


Harry’s P.O.V.


            I sighed as I stared ahead of me, following the my two best friends as the lead me towards Hogsmeade for my first time ever and I would not be going now, except I promised Zayn I would meet his boyfriend. Zayn was dressed nicely in a warm sweater with his Slytherin scarf wrapped around his tanned neck and his matching hat on his head, flattening his usually tall hair to his head; I think he was trying to impress his boyfriend. Niall had dawned a black coat for this chilly October day, his black and yellow scarf was wound tightly to his neck and he was wearing a Hufflepuff snapback, he looked very comfortable and in his element. Mine was a ratty old t-shirt with my Gryffindor cardigan on over it (trying to give the t-shirt a dressier look), along with my scarf and hat, I usually was never cold enough to put on real clothes. Zayn had told me every little detail about his boyfriend, from the exact colour of his eyes to the way his hair is always in place, he just wouldn’t tell me where his boyfriend worked (other than in Hogsmeade). Niall had met Liam (Zayn’s boyfriend) many times before, Niall couldn’t go without butter beer, it would be like asking an owl to go without flying, it was impossible. “Haz, can’t you even pretend to be happy about this, if not for anything but for my benefit?” Zayn asked, stopping quickly to turn and look at my sour face, making me sigh again.

              “You know, out of all the Sytherins I could have been friends with, I had to pick the sappy, love-y one.” I said as I picked up my pace, chuckling a little bit while throwing my arms around Niall’s waist and shoving my nose into his neck, trying to find some comfort. “I only picked you because you were gay, I was pansexual and Niall was bisexual, we are the odd balls out…Well, other than, Cher and Dani, who are dating each other.” Zayn informed me at this moment, that he talked to me first, so technically he picked me and not the other way around, the bugger. Before long, we were crossing the bridge that lead into Hogsmeade, all the stores had lights on and were looking warm. Some of the stores I had heard about a lot: Honeydukes Sweetshop; The Hogs Head Tavern; The Three Broomsticks and Zonko’s Joke Shop, the shop we stopped in front of was Hucklebuckle’s Toy Shop. Zayn pulled the door open and headed inside, Niall and I followed in after him and bright voice greeted us loudly.

              “Welcome to Hucklebuckle’s is there anything I can help you look for?” A boy, who fit Zayn’s description stood before us with a blue Pygmy Puff on his shoulder, it gurgled happily at the sight of Zayn and Niall. “Oh, Zayn! Niall! You brought a friend with you this time too, bloody brill boys!” The Puff hopped of Liam’s shoulder, I read the name that was sewn on his apron and onto Zayn’s shoulder, snuggling up to his neck and purred. “Jonah, what have I told you about that? You are my pet not Zayn’s, you rude little puff ball. Oh, where are my manners, my name is Liam and I work at this beautiful establishment.”

              “ ‘M Harry, Harry Styles, it’s nice to meet you finally. I’m best mates with Nialler and Zaynie.” I said sticking out my hand for him to shake, which he did, giving me a confused look.

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