Well, What now?

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It was supposed to be a normal day. Jeff, as usual was stuck with Ben, EJ, Jane, and Sally to go get the groceries. Mostly because Slender didn't trust Jeff to go by himself.

Masky, and Hoodie were around town somewhere, eliminating a potential threat or killing someone who found out too much about their operations.

The new Recruit, Annalise Bluebell or as she's better known; the Queen of Hearts or the Red Queen depending on who you talk to, was out getting information on her next few kills.

Annalise was a beautiful young woman with long slightly wavy brown hair, bright red eyes, pale, clear skin, and a very feminine figure. When she is out in public she wears blue contacts and a blue business suit. However when she's out killing, she wears a bright red hooded cloak and a white mask with a bright red heart painted on it. Typically she only goes after abusers and leaves a heart and the sentence "Off with their head!" at the crime scene written in the victim's blood. That's where she got her nickname from, well that and the fact that the cause of death is always decapitation and the head of the victim is never found.

All was normal.

Then, one of Zalgo's demon friends just HAD to step in and ruin their day. It's first targets were of course the Slenderman's personal troop.

Masky was the first to notice something was amiss. Their current target wasn't breathing, and they hadn't done anything yet. Masky stood up straighter and glanced around. The clock wasn't moving, it was deathly quiet, the water was perfectly still, not a bubble or small wave in sight.

"Hoodie," Masky whispers to his partner, "doesn't something seem off to you?"

Hoodie looks around as well, quickly picking up on the small changes as well.

"Yeah. Seems almost as if time has stopped for the rest of the world." Hoodie murmurs in his usual quiet tone of voice.

"Well, we have to finish the kill anyway." Masky shrugs, pulling out his gun and shooting the sleeping man after ensuring the silencer was on properly.

Oddly enough, the new hole in the corpse's head didn't bleed, the blood was there but it wasn't moving.

Masky chuckles lightly. "Well, looks like we were right."

"Indeed you were. Now, do me a favor and die."

Masky whips around only to duck under a large, black, shadowy, whip. Masky looks up only to see a humanoid creature with black armour like skin with bright blue accents and undertones, large ram like horns, long, sharp claws, and a thin, sharp looking tail.

The thing, looked slightly feminine and had her arm out in front of her, a blue spell circle hovering before her hand, the shadow whip coming out from it, and more quickly following.

Hoodie jumped in swinging his metal pipe down on the shadow whips to give Masky time to reload and cock guns. Hoodie, grabbing one of his pocket knives, threw it past the shadow tentacles straight at the source.

The thing simply caught the weapon flying at her and tossed it aside. She raised her other hand and more spell circles start to form.

Masky felt an immense amount of danger, and his instincts told him to get out of there. So, Masky grabbed Hoodie by the arm and ran out the open window, dragging his partners with him.

Sure enough, as soon as they were out the spell circle was completed and the entire house started to decay, as well as everything in it.

Masky, still feeling the need to get the hell out of there, continued to drag his partners with him into the forest.

The New Threat (BNAH x Creepypasta) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now