Before the journey, the two eggs

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Slateport city

Slateport city is one of Hoenns biggest tourists attractions, not only does it have a beautiful beach longer then the rural part of the city itself but it also has a museum recording the past 700 years through exhibits and old paintings recovered from the centuries of laying dormant. Outside said Museum people who profit over selling pokémon usually set up shop, selling various pokemon just to make a few easy bucks. On the 11th of July two women stood in front of one of these people looking at one stand in particular, one run by a man in a blue and white striped shirt with a black bandana covering his hair. "Ah I see I have some window shoppers, you ladies interested in my sales?" The sketchy man asked with a sly grin plastered on his face.
Before the thuggish man stood two women both with black hair but the similarities ended there, the one to his left had long scruffy hair, she was quite tall and wore some jeans and a pyjama top with a mareep printed on it, her face was pale but under her eyes was a light coating of make-up to hide the bangs under her eyes. The next woman had short neat hair, only reaching her shoulders before reaching the end, she was wearing a long dress and a strawhat was ontop of her head, covering her blue eyes from the harsh sunlight. "Well I was just a bit confused on what these are?" The woman in the dress asked as the scruffy woman looked at her.
"They're pokemon eggs, ever seen one before?" She asked before letting out an audible yawn.
"The one in the pyjama's is right, these are Pokémon eggs. Inside them are pokemon rare to this beautiful region of Hoenn, no scratch that rare pokemon that only few in the world have!" The shady man over exaggerated but these two wouldn't know better, the scruffy one is too lazy to pick apart his lies and the other one is too...not dumb but...well stupid.
"Wow what Pokémon are they?" The ditzy woman asked happily as the lazy woman just looked.
"Eh im not interested I've gotta go back to my hotel and meet up with someone." The woman yawned as the shady man started panicking, these was the only people who gave him the time of day and if he didn't get rid of the eggs soon he would be kicked out from team a-
"I'll take both of them." The ditzy woman smiled as she put 1,000 PokeDollars (10 dollars) on the table which the grunt quickly grabbed and threw into his pocket.
"Really, you are aware this was probably a scam?" The lazy woman asked as the peppy woman turned around with both eggs in her arms.
"Probably but inside these eggs are two Pokémon who deserve the chance to live." the ditzy woman smiled as a bit of laughter escaped the lips of the clearly sleep-deprived woman.
"Heh well I guess you're right." The tired woman smiled.
"Well if I am right..." suddenly the yellow egg was put into the arms of the lazy woman who jumped slightly "then here, this one is for you." the peppy woman smiled as she held the brown egg in her arms tightly.
"hold on what? I never said I was interested in raising a Pokémon, besides I have a baby waiting at home for me I have to look after him, let alone whatever pokemon is in this egg. Could be something crazy like a Munchlax or a Zorua, how will I afford food bills or know where the pokemon is at all times?!" The lazy woman suddenly woke up and shouted at the cheerful woman.
"Well that's up to you now, its no longer mine." The peppy woman smiled as she turned around and jogged away.
"what a weird least I can give it back to that man-" as the lazy woman turned around the man had already tore down his stand and ran away "ah..."

14 years later on the 11th of July in the Sinnoh region

"Morning Pikachu..." A young boy yawned as he sat up and saw an Eevee staring right back at him "Vee!" the Eevee smiled

"Wait what"

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