Once I got to my hotel that I would be staying at I called my mom. When it started ringing I started pacing around the room not realizing how anxious I actually was. The phone rang for a few moments before it sent me to voicemail. I sighed and sat on my bed. That is when I really took a look around the room. I noticed the room had a light wood theme stretching from the doors to the tables and dresser even to the bed frame. It had a light grey theme and even the bedding matched with a little bit of navy blue. There were three mirrors all that had silver rimming. The room was quite nice considering I was only paying a hundred and fifty dollars a night. 

    The price made me think: If I got this job I would be moving to LA. Would I be able to afford LA? I would need a roommate. I doubt a youtube channel brings in enough money to be able to afford an apartment on your own. I got up because I felt the need to take a shower only to realize I had only brought clothes with me. I had no other necessities. I grabbed my car keys and headed outside yet again to go shopping for a couple days worth of necessities. 

    When I walked out of my room I saw a man that looked to be my age coming down the hallway followed by another man. I shyly put my head down and walked past them almost successfully until I tripped on the carpet in the hallway. Before I hit the ground I felt arms under me and I looked up to see a blond haired man had caught me. He quickly helps me up and says something but I am too embarrassed to focus on what he is saying.

    “Hey!” The brunette behind him says, waving his hand in front of my face, giving me a worried look. 

    “Wh-what?” I ask and feel heat rising to my cheeks. They both are looking at me with intense curiosity.

    “I asked if you were okay.” The blond said, resting a friendly hand on my shoulder.

    “OH! Yes. I am fine. Just a little clumsy.” I say rubbing the back of my neck, chuckling. 

    “That's good.” Says the brunette. “We don’t want a pretty girl like you to get hurt.” He said and immediately turned a light shade of pink. His friend looks at him and chuckles.

    “Real smoothe Dames.” He says and stretches out his hand to me, finally removing his hand that was on my shoulder. “Hi I’m Shayne. That doofus behind me is my friend Damien.” He gives a warm smile.

    “I’m Y/N.” I smile shyly and grab his hand, lightly shaking it.

    “Anyways… I think we should be going. We have to be at work in an hour and we need to be getting settled into our hotel room beforehand.” Shayne says smiling.

    “Yeah I need to be going anyway. It was nice to meet you both.” I say while looking between the two trying not to turn redder. Before we all start heading our separate ways I could have sworn I saw Damien wink at me. I just quickly turned and walked down the hallway paying more attention to the floor than I would like to admit.

    As I got out to my car I heard my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID and see it’s my mom. “Hello?” I say
“Sorry honey. I was in the bath when you called. How was the interview? When will you be home?” She asks.
“It was really good. I think I impressed them. They told me to stay in a hotel for the night in case they called me. Ian told me he should get back with me in about a day to let me know if I got the job.” I replied and I heard her squeal. 
“I bet you’ll get it.” She says excitedly. 

Once I started driving I told her about the hallway incident. “Were they cute?” She asked, being nosey. 

“Very.” I said with a sigh. 

“What did they look like?” My mom asked eagerly.

“Mom I am at a store now. I gotta go.” I said laughing.

“Oh fine. But you better not come home without one of their numbers. OR BOTH!” She screamed and I hung up immediately.

I walked into a store that was just a little ways away from my hotel. It was a small little convenience store where I could get the necessities.  I walked in the store and saw a pale woman with bright red hair standing in an aisle wearing a work uniform so I went up to her to ask where to get the things I need. “Excuse me ma’am?” I said trying to be polite.
“Yeah?” She said, obnoxiously chewing her gum. This woman looks to be about 50 but is wearing a crap ton of makeup and is wearing skin tight clothing.

“I was wondering where I could find the shower items.” I said looking at her hopefully.

“Over there.” She said and I could smell the cigarette smoke on her breath.

“Thank you.” I said, making my way over to the aisle her bony finger pointed to.  

When I got to the aisle I immediately found the shampoo and condition but they were on the highest shelf.  I couldn’t reach any of them so I tried jumping and reaching them but still failed. I had started climbing the shelf when a taller woman came by and grabbed the bottles I was reaching for. “Here you go, miss.” She said, handing me the bottles. 

“Th-thank you.” I said in embarrassment. 

She smiled warmly at me and said, “Is there anything else you need help with?” 

“Could you hand me one of those?” I said pointing to a body wash container that was also on the top shelf. She nodded and swiftly grabbed it like it was the simplest thing in the world.

“Here you go.” She said and smiled. “I’m Courtney.” She held out her hand for me to shake.

“I’m Y/N.” I said, lightly shaking her hand.

“Awww you’re so shyyyyy!” She said and as my face grew red. “I have to go now or I’ll be late for work but I’ll see you around.” She said and walked off confidently.

I grabbed all of the other supplies that I needed (luckily they weren’t high up) and left the store. When I got in my car my phone started to ring. “Unknown Caller” my phone read. I answered it.

“Is this Y/N?” The woman on the other side asked. 

“Yes. Who is this?” I said confused.

“Ian wants you to come back and have one more quick little meeting before they finalize weather or not you get the job.” She said and I squealed.

“I’ll be right there.” I said and hung up, rushing to get into my car.

Always Him~A Damien Haas StoryWhere stories live. Discover now