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Angie woke up before all of her wedding maidens and even servants. She went downstairs to grab a cup of coffee and prepare herself emotionally for the day. She was finally at peace with it all. Who knows, she thought, maybe he isn't such a prick after all. Maybe he'll be good to me, maybe even after a few years I could learn to love him. He is going to be my family after all.

For the first time ever she reminded herself of Leila and started to think positively. She needed to do that so she could survive this day. She went back upstairs and took a bath.

Her sister walked in her room already in dress made out of beautiful bordeaux long silk. Her hair was in a bun and her make up was on. She looked gorgeous and a little bit older than 17.

She helped Angie put on her wedding dress. She wore her hair up in a bun enchanting her beautiful facial features. On her head there was a little tiara which had little golden leaves on and it kept her hair neat. It was a truly fall inspired wedding outfit for the bride. Her make up was also simple, with the black eyeliner on her eyes that gave them lenght and matte rose lipstick on her lips. She felt like a princess. Her veil was long and covered her whole outfit and she was glad that it did because she felt like it was hiding her from everyone, almost like protecting her. She was ready.

Her father walked in her room and asked everyone to leave. When he saw her he was amazed.

-You remind me so much of your mother right now, little dove. - John said to his daughter.- I know I haven't been much of the father for you two girls but I'm so proud of you and everything that you're doing for our Family. I know it must be so hard for you.

-It's my duty, isn't? I truly hope that I made you happy now.- Angie said.- Besides I want you to promise me something.

-Wait, first this.- her father opens a velvet box with her mothers necklace in it.- I want you to wear this today. It would mean so much to her.

Angie almost started to cry. - Are you sure? - she asked.

- Yes, little dove. It suits you perfectly. - John answered as he helped her put on the necklace. -Now you're perfect.

- Dad, I want you to promise me something.- Angie said.

-Anything, little dove. -John said.

-Promise me that you will not choose husband for Leila and you'll allow her to choose if she wants to get married or go to college or both.- Angie said in one breath.

-That's a big promise, Angie. I'll think about it. - John answered while he exited the room.

They all went to the main mansion where the priest was waiting for the bride and the groom. The place looked beautiful, all of it was in white marble with white flowers. The weather was untypicall fall weather with the sun rising high on the sky. It was so warm that it reminded Angie of the beggining of the summer. But in reality it was ending for her.

Jason went in and took his place in the main mansion in front of the priest while he waited for his bride. On his right was Dylan and the rest of the groomsman. The bridemaids have all entered the maison and they have all looked stunning, Jason even wished he was marrying one of them.

He looked around the area and he couldn't find the girl from last night of who he thought about almost all the time. Dylan was looking at him weirdly the whole morning but he didn't bother to ask him why.

After a few seconds, made of honor walked in the hall and Jason knew that she was Angies sister. He couldn't believe his eyes. She was so pretty, he thought. Why God punished him and gave him the uglier sister? He even noticed how Dylan was watching her. But also he noticed how she was watching him and he could swear she didin't like him at all. The orchestra started to play and the bride started to approach them. Here goes nothing, he said to himself.

As she walked down the aisle with her father by her, Angie felt nothing. She couldn't see nothing, she couldn't hear nothing. Then she noticed her sister and her posture immediately changed, she walked with more confidence towards her doom.

When she approached near enough she glanced at her future husband and look of terror crossed her face. IT WAS HIM, the man from last night, the man who saved her. Oh my God, Angie said to herself, I'm a dead bride walking.

Jason looked at his bride and he couldn't helped but notice that she looks familiar. Something about her was so familiar to him. She wore white veil so he couldn't actually see her face but if Dylan is right that's for the better. But he noticed that she was very attractive. The way she moved with so much confidance he couldn't believe this girl had no personality. She had the energy of the lioness.

She stood right next to him and the priest begun with the ceremony. Fucking veil, he thought, I can't see her face if I don't stare at her but I can't stare at her now. We must look at the priest. Fuck me, Jason said to himself and he could swear that he almost heard a giggle comming from Dylan.

After what seems to be forever the time has come for them to exchange the wedding rings and their vows. The priest had finally asked:

-Do you Jason Jon Bates take Angela Noel Reins for your lawful wedded wife? Yada, yada, yada...

- I do. - Jason answered.

-Do you Angela Noel Reins take Jason John Bates for your lawful wedded husband?

-I do. - Angie breathed out.

-By the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Do I have to, Jason thought. At least I'll finally see her face. And as soon as he lifted her big veil from her face, Jason was astonashed. It was her.

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