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Long before the planet had a name, a Goddess of Creation came to be, with her name being Amma. She was a beautiful deity, with heterochronic eyes. Her left eye shone a light green and her right one a baby blue. Her hair, a light blond which blended to a brown at her ends, waved down, while shaved at her right side. Amma worked all the time ever since she came to be, to make her universe a place worth to live. She created a beautiful blue planet full of life but she couldn't do one thing, give them emotions. The goddess was unable to feel anything herself, she led her existance without the feelings at all, but still she wanted, somehow, for her people to.

Amma gathered the light and the dark of the universe, and put them together to form Dvita, a Deity that would assure the emotions were forever safe.

For many years the planet and the emotions were in the good hands, until one day by the strength on the universe self a new deity came to be.
Where is Creation there needs to be Destruction, as the Ying-Yang tells, so that happened too. By only creation the balance got shifted and a new god was born, Eran, the God of Destruction. And this god too immediately went to work, without any doubts on his mission.

As soon as Amma noticed that something particular was happening in her universe, she left Dvita and went on to protect her territory.
The powers of Amma only were not enough to win from Eran, for they were equals on the battlefield. Wherever one found a strength, the other had a weakness, and it all complimented each other perfectly. Amma fought using a paint like substance, by which each colour dealt a different attack or pattern, which one of it could be used to blur someone's vision and another to block someone's movements, as Eran was capable to dissolve any solid creation, but not those paints. And while Eran could basically destroy anything, Amma could not bring it back to life, because no one couldin't intervene with death without shifting the balance, not even Amma, who created the Deity of Life, Vite, which she created to have someone help keeping the creations alive and growing in numbers and strenght.
Just like Eran came to be out of nowhere, Mortus came to be by unknown reasons for Amma. The cause was unsure, it was either unlikely for Eran to have made himself a helper, being the destroyer would have made it ironic to; or either it might have been the Equalibrium trying it courses again. They didnt know.

While this fight between Amma and Eran was going on for several centuries, something started to break within Dvita. Their mind started to have problemss handeling both the positivity and negativity of all the living and dead beings and their feelings started to fall apart, until one day they simply split apart.
The once Deity of feelings changed into two beings, a God of Negativity and a Godess of Positivity, a brother and sister. One felt pure negativity and wanted to spread it, while the other wanted everyone to feel happy and enjoy all that they had. They soon started to fight for their believes, but both were not familiar wih their new forms and powers. This fight ended in a tie and the went different ways, one searching for allies and the other for subjects.

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