Chapter 5

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Amma never knew when Eran would start a new desructionspree nor how large it would be, all she relayed in was her allies callings, her believers praying or the feeling of a major shift in the equalibrium. Erans attacks always seemed random, but the outcome was well planned, in opposite to the Goddess of Creation chaotic approach.
Amma never planned ahead, even the creation of new gods was spontanious for her and mostly out of sheer need. The creation of Vite was a spontanious decision. Amma was in an, what seemed like, all deciding fight against Eran. The world around her was crumbling down, cities erased of existence and many people dead, making her powers less effective. Eran got the Goddess on her knees, begging for mercy, as he just looked down at her. His face looked unamused, for he did not see this as a worthy move to kill Amma at that moment. It was not his goal, his ideology. It was not meant for him to kill the Goddess, for her work was needed. He let her live, only saying few words: "Don't make me regret this." Amma looked at her universe, which was looking disastrous. All her creations were dead. Remaking all of this would take her millions of years, then giving it live would be the next few billion. The creation of suitable lifeforms was something she did with utter precision. She knew she couldn't take this job on herself alone again. She chose to make herself a new Deity, Vite. Vite would be the new one in charge of keeping the mortals alive and for now, first getting them back to existence. They had to renew thousands of species, and after it Amma decided to make few new ones to "spice it up a little". Eran indeed felt regretful for some time because of this.
He, on the other hand, made sure that all his attacks had an untraceable pattern. Only Eran himself knew it and he would not give it away to anyone. His goal was simple, keep an equalibrium no matter the cost. This job was tough, for often Amma managed to create faster that he managed to destroy. Each time he attacked he made sure it was a different hour, but never two attacks at the same day nor did he attack the same place twice in one millenium. Some times he went subtle, turning the people against each other, letting them destroy themselves, other times he brought disasters upon them or simply, quickly and effectively snapped them out of existence. Eran didn't like to play around, his job was about getting it done, about keeping the universe stable, not about having fun.
Even though Erans work was something he took with full seriousness, he didn't get bored, or at least didn't appear to be. The people of the universe, its inhabitants and gods, were questioning if the destroyer wasn't just like Amma, if he could feel or was just an empty husk, but his behaviour didn't give much away.

Gavin was just sitting in the dimension that Amma made into their home. It was a bent of reality, only accessible for those with a key. He was thinking about, well nothing. He was enjoying the boredom. One of his few hobbies, others included flirting and seducing girls, games of pretend and playing various instruments to impress people. Gavin was inconsiderate of others, even his mother, which he only used as a place to live and provide. God being, handsome, stupid and reckless, doing what he wanted, whenever he wanted.
As usual, as soon as he heard his mother come in, he pretended to be busy, making an ilusion of what seemed like a misbuild rabbit. His mother truly thought he was a God  of Creation just  like her, but he was not. His mother's and father's powers mixed, resulting in a God of Ilusion. Ilusion is a creation but it doesn't exist, therefor being a destroyed image. There yet not. Existent yet non existent at once. Like a cat in a box with toxins, alive and dead at the same time.

Previously that day Gavin left the picnic. He didn't want to spent any more time with his brother. Elijah didn't feel worthy for it. For anything. All Elijah was for Gavin was just another problem he had to deal with, as if he didn't have enough of them. He had a girlfriend to take care of, like that was easy. Girls are after all so much different than boys. They need so much care.
One time Gavin was complaining about the amount of time Amora spent on her appearance, and the amount of products she used. "Don't you use too much hairspray Ami?" He said, with a whole can of gel in his fair hair.
"I'm all natural," She said without giving him even a look, gently brushing her hair with a brush, "unlike you, McGill."

Amma decided to take her son out of the safe space, thinking he was there all day. "Gavin, child, come follow me." she said with her cold, restless voice.
"Is it really nessesary?" Gavin would rather spend the day on the couch if he had the choice; the human tv had some clever shows after al, something adult gods not always appreciated.
Amma looked at him disapproving.
"Alright, I'm coming." Gavin got off the couch and made the abomination disappear again.
"Gavin! How could you! You know a-"
"All life is sacred, yeah yeah, I heard this too often already. Just shut it, I'm coming."

Amma took her son to a field full of blossoming daisies. The mixture of green, yellow and white was overwhelmingly beautiful. The smell was sweet and many butterflies and bees flew around the place.

Without giving a glance, Gavin just walked over the flowers, not carrying for the beauty he destroyed.
"So, Gavi, why don't you tell me about your girlfriend?" Amma asked.
"I told you to not call me like that. And don't pretend like you care." He answered bitterly.
"But I do care, son mine, I want to know what gods you will create!!" She exclaimed.
"Is that all you care about? Just only about what I will create? Just what "The fruit of Love" will give to YOU?! Get off my ass. I'm too young to be a father anyways."

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