(FrUS Kinkmeme Fill) Makeup and McDonalds

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Okay, so this is a really derpy kinkmeme prompt that I found. XD FrUS is awesome.

America's jaw dropped. His eyes widened. His fingers went slack on his cell phone, which fell to the floor with a loud clatter. "Holy...shit."

France glanced up through the corners of his eyes and nodded slightly. "Bonjour, Amerique~" He said calmly, continuing what he was doing.

America simply stared.

Francis Bonnefoy, AKA France, was standing in a McDonald's bathroom, putting on makeup. Francis was humming softly to himself, lips parted slightly as he leaned in close to the grimy mirror. He was carefully applying eyeliner to the bottom lids of his eyes, the pencil short and clearly often used. 

"What are you doing?" Alfred bit out, bending slowly to pick up his phone.

"What does it look like?" Francis sniped back with a smirk, putting the cap on the eyeliner and slipping it into his pocket. "Honestly. It isn't that hard to understand."

"Well...it isn't usual to see a Frenchie in a McDonald's bathroom putting on makeup." Ameshoving his phone in his pocket and stepping forward into the bathroom.

France chuckled and sashayed over to America, closing the difference between them swiftly. "Beautiful, oui?" He prompted, casting Alfred a cat-in-the-cream smile. 

America, bothered slightly by the Frenchman's close proximity, backed away, right into the wall. Francis simply grinned seductively and leaned in so his breath mixed with Alfred's. "Oui?"

"Uh...sure?" Alfred bit out, Adam's apple bobbing noticeably as he swallowed. 

France chuckled again, then darted in and kissed America lightly. Alfred froze, eyes wide, as France gently kissed him, one hand coming up to stroke Alfred's cheek. When they parted (read: France backed off due to a lack of response from America) Alfred sucked in a deep breath of air and said in a rush, "What the actual fuck, France?" 

France cocked a single eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Why...what? Why are you just putting on makeup and kissing me at McDonald's?!" America shouted, becoming quickly overwhelmed.

He grabbed France by the shoulders and shoved him up against the wall, merely reversing their positions. Francis yelped sharply, aquamarine eyes widening in shock as Alfred leaned in close and growled, "Seriously, France. Talk. Now."

It was then France's turn to swallow weakly, and he glanced towards the door with shifty eyes, clearly uncomfortable. "Don't you even think about it." America said sternly, squeezing France's shoulders.

France, backed into a corner, clearly believed he had no other options, for he lurched forwards and threw his arms around Alfred's neck, meeting his lips for a passionate kiss. Sure, America tasted of hamburgers and Coke and freedom, but France sure as hell didn't have any other ideas.

Before America could react to France's actions, Francis pulled him closer and began to grind against him as they kissed, trying to express that he was America's toy and the more powerful country didn't need to hurt him. America, for once, got the message. Without hesitating, he reached down, grabbed France's hips, and hoisted him into the air. 

Francis moaned softly into the heated kiss, which Alfred was now returning, and allowed America to maneuver him so he was trapped between country and wall. The European nation pulled back for air, panting and gazing at America in surprise.

America growled softly again. "What the fuck?"

"You liked it, oui?" Francis teased lightly, fingering America's jacket lapel.

"I did not!" Alfred shouted.

France raised an eyebrow. Their faces were so close that Alfred could see the thin black line of makeup beneath France's gorgeous, hazy with lust eyes...

The fight went out of the former British colony, and he slumped slightly. "Fine. I do. But there's no way I'm fucking you in a McDonald's bathroom." He said firmly.

Francis smiled. "Your place?"

"Fine." America gently set France on his seat, motioning for him to follow.

(FrUS Kinkmeme Fill) Makeup and McDonaldsWhere stories live. Discover now