Chapter 1

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*Hi lovelies, I just wanted Chapter 1 up with the Prologue. 7 comments and I'll update again. Please, opinions and feedback are greatly appreciated!:))) BTW, the other protagonist in the story's name is Liam, but not the Liam from One Direction. This is NOT a fan fic, just a love story.  The first few chapters will be short, but I promise they'll get longer as the plot progresses. Enjoy<3

Chapter 1

I ran out of the gymnasium, feeling the unease of my stomach. I could hear the teacher calling my name, as I sprinted towards the locker room. I shoved the girls’ locker room doors open just in time to burst in the first stall and empty all the fluids contained in my body. Pushing my hair out of my face, I lifted my head. Glancing around for something to wipe my face with, when someone offered me a paper towel from behind.

Turning around in surprise, my eyes met a young guy, around my age with dark hair, and blue, blue eyes. Returning my stare, the stranger knelt down, to help me clean the stall. Returning to my previous position, we both commenced cleaning. We worked in silence for a few minutes. Occasionally, I would look up to meet his gaze on my face. Breaking the silence, he asked me in a low, steady voice, “How long?”. My heart sank, immediately knowing what he was referring to. “I found out when I was 9,” I replied in a shaky my voice, taking a deep breath. “So young,” he muttered. Ignoring his previous statement, I wondered thinking to myself. How had he, whom I had  met about 5 minutes ago, find out my condition, which I have kept hidden successfully,  from my peers for years? Refusing to meet his gaze, I moved to throw away the soiled towels. He moved out of the way to meet me at the sinks, where we both washed our hands.

I turned to face him. “Thank you,” I looked up gratefully.

“It’s nothing,” he said waving his hands dismissively. He smiled at me. My breath caught, as I quickly looked down, embarrassment flushing my cheeks a bright red. I felt a shy smile tug on my face. His smile grew wider, as he held out a hand. His deep voice filled the room, echoing off the walls.  “I’m Liam,” he offered, smiling again. I took his hand, shaking it gingerly; my hand being damp from its preceding washing. I smiled again, meeting his eyes. “My name is ________”. (Ariella or Adeline?)


“It’s nice to meet you A_______.” Yeah right, it was nice to see you puking up your guts, and then cleaning it, I thought.

“Um okay thanks, feeling’s mutual.” I said shaking my head. Why is he being so nice to me?

“So....”he trailed off looking up at me.

“Sooo,” I echoed.

“Are you going to go back to P.E.?” he asked.

“Uh, probably, I’ll just sit out though,” I replied thinking about how his color of his eyes was the exact color of the sky before a thunderstorm. 

“Does anybody else know about... you know?” he inquired. That broke my concentration.

Looking directly at him, I replied coldly, “No, and I hope that doesn’t change.”

“No, no, of course not I was just wondering,” he stammered. “D’ya want me to walk with you back to class?” he offered.

“Sure,” I said surprised.

“So, can I ask you a question?”I asked hesitantly.

“Sure,” he said copying my reply earlier.

“How did you know?”

He glanced down at the floor, suddenly interested in what type of shoes he was wearing.                                                                                                                  “I-had-a-cousin-whom-I-was-really-close-with-who-died-suddenly-from-cancer.” He mumbled, fast under his breath.

“I’m sorry.” I didn’t really know where to look, I mean I feel like a jerk know, he probably thinks I’m some nosy, sick girl. God, why did I have to ask that.

Returning me back to school, away from my thoughts, he spoke, “Everybody says it, but they’re not really sorry, and most don’t mean it. I’m not sorry he was a great guy and lived life out to the fullest, even if he lived a short life. He made every little thing count, and that’s what really matter, yano? I mean, those are the memories I have left to think about.”

“True,” I mumbled not knowing what else to say.

“Sorry for my rant,” he said nervously chuckling as he ran his hand through his hair. Huh. I do that a lot when I’m nervous, too.

“It’s okay, sometimes I feel like I hide my feeling inside, until I’m ready to burst, and I really need someone to rant to.”

“Okay then, do you want me to tell Ms.Cardina that you can’t participate in gym, and that you’re going the library?”

“Yeah thanks a lot. Like for everything.” I was truly grateful to Liam.

“Alright, nice seeing ya, bye.”

“Bye I said quietly watching him walk away. I picked up my bags as I headed towards the second floor, to the the library. I really liked Liam. There was something about him. Maybe it’s just cause he made me safe. Safe. A word that’s unknown to me.

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