14. Lingerie???

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Edit/Rewritten: May 8, 2021


Logans POV


Chapter Fourteen: Lingerie???

A hum of contentment left me as I slurped on the fruity boba tea Tripp had picked for me before class. The gesture was small but the added motion of him flicking my chin up to claim my lips in a languid kiss until we needed to catch our breath. And it was only till I was gripping the counter to keep myself stable that he let me run off to class.

"I saw you Tuesday." My body stiffens without thinking until I recognize the voice next to me. I huff, setting my drink down on the conjoined desk to look over at Kai. Like any other day, he was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with a one-colored pullover shirt, numerous chains circling his neck. Kai always looked attractive in that simple way, it was easy to see why girls and boys threw themselves at him.

But, I narrow my eyes, something still seems off. He's reserved, almost too reserved. I tried remembering what he said, "You saw me what, Kai?"

The chatter around us quiets down as the professor walks in. There was a silent hope that Kai would drop the topic or at least continue it until the class was over. Our professor hates interruptions, and talking during class is considered one. If we weren't quiet we would be kicked out of class for sure. And as much as I would like having an excuse to not be in a class, this was philosophy.

I suck at philosophy.

In short; I couldn't risk not being here.

Kai didn't look at me as he answered, "Saw you go into that shop and come out with a neon green bag."

It was almost scary how quickly my body reacted to fear. "Are you stalking me?"

"No." Easy, quick, suspicious. "I work across the street. You left before I could talk to you." I didn't know how to respond. How was I supposed to respond? There was no way this was a coincidence. But Kai had never tried to reach out to me before, why would he do it now in the middle of the first semester? We hadn't ever talked before this past week. So what was the reason- why?

Kai tapped his fingers on the desk, drawing my attention to them and breaking my thoughts. He looks at me next, and his gaze makes me stiffen. Swimming in the color of his eyes- there was anger. "We need to talk, Logan."


It was after class when we met up again, finally able to talk as loud as we wanted. I turn to face him just outside of the class, fingers digging into the skin of my wrist as jittery thoughts started to build up inside me. If Kai noticed, he didn't point it out.

Instead, his eyes narrow as he looks down at me. "How do you do it?"

I held my ground, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Do-? "Do what?"

"How do you," He clicks his tongue. Clicks his tongue. Then runs his hand through his hair irritably. "Nevermind, I'm doing this all wrong. I need to get everything ready first."

Now I was more confused than before. Get what ready? I tilt my head, letting my confusion show. "Kai, are you alright?"

There was a flash of something in his gaze before he sent me a firm nod, excusing himself from our conversation. I let my gaze follow him, waiting until he was out of view to turn around, only to bump into Tripp. I peer up at him, grinning widely. "Hi."

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